Age: 124
7871 days old here
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Lahore, Pakistan
main nay is liye note kya k sab aaj kal apni posts main is ko bohat ziada use ker rahay hain jab yeh emoticon-----> new add hua tha to hum sab nay is ko bohat enjoy kya tha tab bhi issi tarha is ko use kernay ka trend bhi bohat ziada tha
Age: 124
7871 days old here
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Lahore, Pakistan
gain l.. Decide in advance how you will deal with your inevitable urges to smoke and develop strategies to cope, such as deep breathing, taking a quick walk, exercising, chewing gum, sucking on hard candy or a mint, drinking water, eating something crunchy (like celery and carrot sticks), calling a sympathetic friend, taking a bath, reading something inspirational, meditating, saying a prayer, looking at pictures of the damage that tobacco can do to your body. Be inventive! Try a Combination of Methods A combination of methods is often the most effective method of quitting. Options include:
a.. Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)-Using this method doubles the success rate of quitting. Nicotine is administered through a pill, a patch or gum to satisfy the need for nicotine b.. Non-nicotine drug therapy, such as the drug bupropion, has also been shown to double the success rate c.. Behavioral therapy-(See "great strategies" this page) d.. Alternative methods-including hypnosis, acupuncture, use of a "peripheral nicotine antagonist" such as lobeline, and mouth washes designed to make the taste of cigarettes aversive. No major tests have been done on these methods, but they may prove helpful
Age: 124
7871 days old here
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Lahore, Pakistan
Great Strategies for Breaking the Habit
a.. Commit to quit b.. Talk with a health care worker to get information about methods that can help you quit c.. Choose a quit date d.. Don't try to taper off - abstain from tobacco completely from the quit date on e.. Get rid of all tobacco-related equipment, and clean all clothes and your car just before the quit date f.. Stop smoking at home and in the car g.. Don't go to places where you are likely to be tempted to smoke h.. Don't worry about dieting until you have safely stopped quitting i.. Tell your friends, family and co-workers that you are quitting, and ask them to help you j.. Learn how to avoid or cope with situations and behaviors that make you want to smoke. (Examples: drinking caffeine or alcohol, talking on the telephone, etc.) k.. Be prepared to experience withdrawal symptoms or a brief period, including irritability, impatience, hostility, anxiety, depressed mood, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, restlessness, increased appetite and weight gain
Age: 124
7871 days old here
Total Posts: 26285
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Lahore, Pakistan
Tobacco advertising often feeds on the fact that many teens look up to actors, musicians and/or athletes. Smoking is perceived as an adult behavior by young people, and teenagers often start smoking in order to appear more mature. A sense of social acceptability and belonging typically is a priority for young people. Peer pressure may drive a young person from experimentation with tobacco to addiction.
The tobacco epidemic warrants immediate attention. Cessation and anti-tobacco programs work. Working together, countries throughout the world can defeat the tobacco epidemic and provide a tobacco-free world for our young people.
Richard L. Wittenberg ------------------ ----------------------------------------------------
OK, So....How Do I Quit? Between 75-80% of smokers want to quit, and one-third have made at least three serious attempts to quit.
Because we know that the first attempts at smoking cessation are often not successful, the smoker who is determined to quit must be prepared to make multiple attempts, perhaps three or four. This is very normal, and these attempts should not be seen as failures but rather small setbacks in what will become a successful program. Therefore, it is important that those who advise and support smokers trying to quit be supportive and reassuring.
The smoker might test different intervention techniques or combinations of methods to find the right one.
Age: 124
7871 days old here
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Lahore, Pakistan
Unfortunately, there is not one simple answer. Adolescence is characterized by a feeling of invincibility and a sense of curiosity. Young people experiment with different behaviors without giving thought to the long-term consequences of their actions. Many adolescents underestimate the addictiveness of nicotine and its serious health risks. While parents and teachers may tell 11-, 12- and 13-year-olds that smoking can cause cancer and could kill them by the time they are in their 50s, cancer doesn't mean much to a young person, and living until 50 sounds like they would have had a very long life.
While these factors influence young people to use tobacco, undoubtedly the most significant persuading factor in the increasing number of young tobacco users worldwide is tobacco advertising. It effectively influences teenagers to start using tobacco, and it encourages them to continue. In many tobacco ads, smoking is portrayed as classy and glamorous, and smokers appear to be mature and popular.
Age: 124
7871 days old here
Total Posts: 26285
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Lahore, Pakistan
g.. Over 5,000,000 kids under 18 alive today will ultimately die from tobacco use h.. Kids are three times as sensitive to tobacco advertising as adults i.. 86% of kids buy one of the three most heavily advertised brands (Marlboro, Camel or Newport) j.. Kids are more likely to be influenced by tobacco advertising than by peer pressure (the tobacco industry spends $5.2 billion every year in the US on advertising and promotion) [Statistics above from Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids]
This year's World No Tobacco Day encourages our kids to kick the habit, with the theme:
Get Ahead of the Crowd - Leave the Pack Behind
Tobacco Still Plaguing Our Youth
Tobacco use among young people is on the rise in many countries throughout the world. Everyday, while thousands of young people experiment with a cigarette for the first time, nearly 10,000 people around the globe die as a result of tobacco use. The age at which a young person tries his or her first cigarette is dropping, with the majority of smokers beginning in their teenage years.
Today, tobacco kills roughly 3.5 million people each year. Despite warnings about the dangers of tobacco and startling statistics about the serious health problems caused by tobacco, its use continues to increase among young people. Why?
Age: 124
7871 days old here
Total Posts: 26285
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Lahore, Pakistan
Is addiction too strong a term? Isn't smoking just a bad habit that can be broken without too much effort? To the contrary! In 1988 the US Surgeon General concluded that tobacco is addicting and that the physical and psychological symptoms of nicotine are "similar to those that determine addiction to drugs such as heroin and cocaine." Nicotine's effects on the brain are similar to those of heroin, amphetamine and cocaine. In ranking addictive drugs, nicotine was determined to be even more addictive than heroin, cocaine, alcohol, caffeine, and marijuana.
Some startling facts about our kids:
a.. 36% of high school students smoke b.. 25% of high school males use smokeless tobacco c.. Every day 6,000+ kids have their first cigarettes; 3,000 of them will become regular smokers d.. 500 million packs of cigarettes are sold illegally to kids every year e.. 15.5 million kids are exposed to secondhand smoke at home f.. Today 3,000,000+ kids smoke almost one billion packs of cigarettes a year
Age: 124
7871 days old here
Total Posts: 26285
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Lahore, Pakistan
Tobacco Facts
Here is the ugly truth
Tobacco will kill 50% of every young person who starts smoking early and keeps it up. Half of that 50% will die in middle age, losing an average of 22 years of normal life expectancy.
It's a true addiction!
Typically, when teenagers begin to smoke, they don't realize that nicotine is addictive. As they pass through the 4 predictable stages of addiction, it takes them less than a year to progress to full-scale addiction:
a.. Preparation (being seduced by a culture that glamorizes, accepts and even defends tobacco use, including influence by advertising, entertainment and peer pressure-and too often the example of important adults in their lives) b.. Experimentation c.. Smoking regularly d.. Nicotine addiction
Method 1. Grind the roasted spices together with 1 onion. 2. Grate half a coconut and extract juice. 3. Grate the other half and roast in a pan. Then grind it finely. 4. Cut meat into small pieces, salt and set aside for 15 minutes. 4. Then cook with a little water until all liquid dries up. 5. Finely chop 1 onion, and sauté it. 6. Add cooked meat, ground spices, ground coconut and 1/2 a cup water. 7. Cook about 10 minutes. 8. Add coconut juice and tamarind. Cook until well blended.
Method 1. Mix together ginger & garlic pastes. Add salt, black pepper and white pepper. 2. Rub the paste on the chicken pieces. Leave aside for one hour. 3. Heat oil in kadhai and add the chicken pieces 4. Stir fry for 10-15 minutes. 5. Lower the heat and add the green chillies and water. 6. Simmer until chicken is tender. 7. Add lemon juice and serve hot.
Method (Step 1) Place butter in a small micro-proof bowl. Microwave on High for 1 minute. (Step 2) Add honey, mustard, soy sauce, salt and curry powder. Stir well to combine. (Step 3) Arrange chicken pieces in a large micro-proof baking dish. Spoon sauce over chicken. Cook on high for 20 minutes. Baste frequently and turn pieces over at least once during cooking time. Allow to stand 10 minutes before serving. Serve with pan juices poured over chicken.