Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
english urdu aka roman urdu that counts as urdu so dont worry. i had to learn the urdu writting/reading myself since my parents are very bad it. if i can make you laugh then that is my kush kizmaati
Posted 08 Dec 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
koor ur up early early and on the pc. it's 4.13 here, miserable and cold.
Posted 08 Dec 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
ah right. strict principles but you managed to make friends there so you must be chatting/giggling and passing notes in class.
Posted 08 Dec 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
when ppl want a good laugh they make me speak panjabi. or sing that song: abc kidtha gaiya see... my urdu is okay though i can write it and read it too. phones are overated i want to see you speak as well
Posted 08 Dec 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
dat's cool. sunday school? isn't that where christian kids go?
Posted 08 Dec 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
you're ruining the plan i want to be in california to hear you speak all american with your urdu and panjabi mixed in.
Posted 08 Dec 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
no story, same class in school, same class in college. he's a cool bloke and i'm a cool bloke so we enhanced the coolness to uber coolness by sticking by one another.
Posted 08 Dec 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
in california
Posted 08 Dec 2005

Topic: ***T3sH*****

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
i'm a londoner (but living elsewhere at the moment) and true londoners sound like spike from btvs, lots of brits are hooked on accents we have a lot variation between the different regions. i don't think i can handel a calli desi gal drooling over me so for you kaas thor pay i will keep saying all the american phrases i know. so isn't that like sooo naarlly!
Posted 08 Dec 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
babies grow up too fast, i like 2 year olds best but that period of 5 to 8 is when most kids bring out their bratty sides.
Posted 08 Dec 2005

Topic: ***T3sH*****

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
LiL_DollY said:

Reckless Tesh said:

nobody like desi ppl we do rock the world

Nah I dont think like that
I dont wanna be superior than anyone

modesty is a virtue
Posted 08 Dec 2005

Topic: ***T3sH*****

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
u're on da right track, stick to it who cares about silly folks. where in the states are you? i'm gonna try speaking all american with you and throw in loads of "like whatevers! and howdy ya'lls!"
Posted 08 Dec 2005

Topic: ~ Izzat ~

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
all these accusations. reckless as in i do stupid things w/o thinking twice, in a way that is being lazy. about the issue though, animals don't care about modesty and manners and these are some things which make up or give izzat. the animals who do behave in a way which is closer to civil are given more 'izzat' by humans (some ppl take care of cats but want to kill rats), same with ppl, those who behave in a civil and decent manner society gives them respect.
Posted 08 Dec 2005

Topic: ***T3sH*****

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
nobody like desi ppl we do rock the world
Posted 08 Dec 2005

Topic: ***T3sH*****

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
as long as u stay in touch w/ ur roots and dnt end up an ABCD
Posted 08 Dec 2005

Topic: ***T3sH*****

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
yep mixed, got pakistani and british blood in me. i'll post up the party snaps so you can see for yourself how it went.
Posted 08 Dec 2005

Topic: ***T3sH*****

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
thanks sam. winter baby never been called that before.
Posted 08 Dec 2005

Topic: ***T3sH*****

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Dolly ma gal just chillin out. 23 years young. i was thinking of having a joint party, mine, c's and the baby's since they're all close together. i hear it's a very desi thing to do so it must be a good idea.
Posted 08 Dec 2005

Topic: C’s Baby

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Inshallah it will/ lolz I will do.
Posted 08 Dec 2005

Topic: C’s Baby

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Still no name for the baby though we're all afraid she's gonna name him something hippie or gothic or very malung
Posted 08 Dec 2005

Topic: C’s Baby

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Nah she's better without him plus she's getting married again next year to someone who deserves her. You're right Dolly she's gonna be a cool mummy.
Posted 08 Dec 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Thanks new_beau
Posted 08 Dec 2005

Topic: C’s Baby

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I remember her saying she talked alot about her relationship on the forums when it was on the rocks, it must be on another forum. She's seperated from her husband they were married for about 4 months and now they are 'friends'.
Posted 08 Dec 2005

Topic: ~ Izzat ~

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
That's not dialogue, it's laziness. I will give you a proper explanation as well.
Posted 08 Dec 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Don't worry Asima, you may be lucky and get a husband like me who can cook and clean for you.
Posted 08 Dec 2005

Topic: john

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
You're a good girl, my Chandramuki is under bad influences
Posted 08 Dec 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
bravewarrior said:

TAJ MAHAL's BEAUTY is forever and ever.....Aiswarya's beauty is just temporary( few more years ) and then

The Taj Mahal, like other historical structures is kept under maintainance that's why it continues to look good, not by some magical 'eternal' quality it has. Everything is temporary, you, me, this life, that doesn't make it any less. Aishwariya is beautiful now, what she looks like 2moro I don't care I may not be here to see it.
Posted 08 Dec 2005

Topic: john

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Chandramuki told me she want's to marry him. This is the affect this man has had on our women he has reduced even the mature ladies to think and behave like love sick teenagers.
Posted 06 Dec 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Aishwariya. You find yourself looking at her face to find one flaw in it. People are more beautiful than things.
Posted 06 Dec 2005

Topic: Fun

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
It depends which disco/bar you go to and what you do there and what the people/environment there is like. If you go to a bar to drink and flirt then that's not fun, it's stupid and shameful. I go to my university's union parties to meet my friends and have a laugh, but we don't drink or dance in a sleezy manner, no one at the party does.
Posted 06 Dec 2005