Age: 124
7643 days old here
Total Posts: 6
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Posted 18 Oct 2003


Age: 124
7643 days old here
Total Posts: 6
Points: 0


Posted 18 Oct 2003


Age: 124
7643 days old here
Total Posts: 6
Points: 0

T.O__Raptarz said:

does anyone know a thing about this place? has n e one seen it?
Posted 18 Oct 2003


Age: 124
7643 days old here
Total Posts: 6
Points: 0

Dhaka_Desi said:

desibaba said:

this article came in the uk edition of time. gives an insight into the pakistani world. it is really sad . that s why they all want to come to india because they can not thrive in pakistanb

This dosent make any sense at all...it seems like you just want to post this to make Pakistanis feel bad. Whatever that article was saying I dont see it happening! In Bangladesh yes it IS happening and I HATE IT!

uh forget D man......this guy wont stop at nothing to make sure people know india is somehow better than Pakistan. Anywayz what are some music bands in bangladesh....I have never heard of any!
Posted 18 Oct 2003