
Age: 124
7104 days old here
Total Posts: 8
Points: 0

India, India
yr asl yaar?
Posted 01 May 2005


Age: 124
7104 days old here
Total Posts: 8
Points: 0

India, India
Today I met a great new friend   Who knew me right away   It was funny how she understood   All I had to say     She listened to my problems   She listened to my dreams   We talked about love and life   She'd been there, too, it seems     I never once felt judged by her   She knew just how I felt   She seemed to just accept me   And all the problems I'd been dealt     She didn't interrupt me   Or need to have her say   She just listened very patiently   And didn't go away     I wanted her to understand   How much this meant to me   But as I went to hug her   Something startled me     I put my arms in front of me   And went to pull her nearer   And realized that my new best friend   Was nothing but a mirror.
Posted 30 Apr 2005


Age: 124
7104 days old here
Total Posts: 8
Points: 0

India, India
You changed my world with a blink of an eye
That is something that I can not deny
You put my soul from worst to best
That is why I treasure you my dearest Marites

You just don't know what you have done for me
You even pushed me to the best that I can be
You really are an angel sent from above
To take care of me and shower with love

When I'm with you I will not cry even a single a tear
And your touch have chased away all of my fear
You have given me a life that I could live worthwhile
It is even better everytime you smile

It so magical those things you've made
To bring back my faith that almost fade
Now my life is a dream come true
It all began when I was loved by you

Now I have found what I am looking for
It's you and your love and nothing more
Co'z you have given me this feeling of contentment
In my life something I've never felt

I wish I could talk 'til the end of day
But now I'm running out of things to say
So I'll end by the line you already know
"I LOVE YOU" more than what I could show
Posted 30 Apr 2005


Age: 124
7104 days old here
Total Posts: 8
Points: 0

India, India
now you all are my cool friends!!! now tell me all of u, yr asl and what u do beside net surfing??
Posted 29 Apr 2005


Age: 124
7104 days old here
Total Posts: 8
Points: 0

India, India
thank u very much 4 replying, anyone is interested in my frndship?
Posted 14 Apr 2005


Age: 124
7104 days old here
Total Posts: 8
Points: 0

India, India
thhank u very much 4 replying, anyone is interested in my frndship?
Posted 14 Apr 2005


Age: 124
7104 days old here
Total Posts: 8
Points: 0

India, India
thnx all
Posted 12 Apr 2005