
Age: 125
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Dear Pak friends
I am a script writer from India. In order to embellish my story i need to have excepts of all the bad stuff you have said to Your inseperable indian buddies and all of what have been received in kind. This story seeks to purge or at least document all the classy prejudices for both sides. Please help me out.
Here's the sypnosis of my story:
Sypnosis- “Bakwas Chowki”
Somewhere along the western sector, on the border between India and Pakistan lie forward posts of BSF and Pakistan Rangers. These posts have come to be called Bakwas Chowkies among their men owing to long standing tradition being practiced by both the BSF and Rangers.
This tradition has also resulted in tempers constantly on the boil. A continuous war like situation prevails there. Not a day has passed in the immediate memory when there has not been a skirmish threatening to escalate into more. Special forces have been sought and deployed by both sides. Nobody seems to even give the slightest appearece of backing down in upholding the honor and self respect of their country resulting in their steadfast refusal to scale down and resort to less violent means of warfare like sniping, shelling, hurling grenades etc. Officers of fine leadership and bravest jawans from both the warring parties are forever on a state of heightened alert. At the stroke of every dawn, every one waits for the inevitable spark to ignite their volatile tempers to no hold barred, most vicious of battles, the battle of words. Lead soldiers from each side let go at each other with choicest innuendo, rat-tat-tat dialogues, acerbic tongues trying to hurt each other where it hurts the most. The minds. There WDS (weapons delivery system): innocuous looking mouth mpieces of public address systems. Speaking of WDS, it needs to be said that constant mindless upgradation of it had necessitated a flag meeting when the combined might of both WDSs reached a frightening 30,000 watts defeating the very purpose of conducting the war in peace.
Our story begins in these times when our protagonists, a BSF Hav. And Pak ranger are assigned the honour of researching the others weak spots that can be attacked, wounds that can be salted, skeletons that can be dragged and then some. Needless to say the war at Bakwas chokies goes to the next, most vicious level. It will raise the hackles narrow minders of both the sides.
The Rangers draw the first blood with
"Sare jahan se ghatiya hindostan tumhara
Tum jonkein ho iski ye ganda nala tumhara...."
But when they almost exhaust their armouries, the story takes a turn for the better, they begin to understand each other sans their prejudices. Exhorted by their respective biggies they make a pact to cross into each others country. Every has their axes to grind. Our BSF havildar’s grand dad has some unfinished business in Sukkur.
The story is an honest satirical attempt to see each other with all the prejudices. AS they say in Punjabi- sari bharras nikalna. With a tearful climax with seperated lovers(grand mother of the BSF havildar and her beau of old) of 55 years having a last dekho form afar on the wagah.
I have invited some open minded people from pakistan to provide fodder to the Havildar's cannon as they know better just as an indian would what a ranger should mouth to slight a BSF Jawan across the fence. No Maan Bhain but things more deadly.