
Age: 125
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Can anybody contact Ahmed Zakaria ( Manager operation ARY , THE MUSIK ), only he can told who is lying. Because both said in their stories about ahmed zakaria.
Posted 01 Jan 2005


Age: 125
7390 days old here
Total Posts: 5
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I read this first time that JAL was formed after AADAT. I know that the JAL belongs to Goher. Mephistopheles said in his post of 16th september about the story told by goher. But i have listen totally different story from ATIF on PTV World. In which he said totally different about Ahmed Zakaria ( Manager operation ARY , THE MUSIK ).    
Posted 31 Dec 2004


Age: 125
7390 days old here
Total Posts: 5
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Look at the following post, posted by TumJoHo. It says that JAL band was formaed after the song AADAT. Can anybody believe this?????

TumJoHo said:

This is the whole story, right here :

Goher, in his college days wrote a song called Aadat. He used to sing that song in the college gigs, then he met Atif and he hired to sing the song since Atif has a good voice. The Song was recorded, now keep in mind that Goher was the one who wrote the lyrics, and composed the song. After the song was recorded it was uploaded to the internet, and it soon became a Mega hit. Goher called Atif and asked him if he wanted to be in the band, Atif said yes and JAL was formed, but then Atif wanted Goher outta the way, so he said that his brother was gonna be the band manager than they were gonna Kick Goher outta his own band. but Goher was smarter than that, he realized what was goin on and kicked atif out before, then Atif filed a case on Goher sayin Aadat and all the other songs were his. The Case is still pending....

So the whole story clearly shows Atif stole Goher's songs. And whoever is sayin Goher is makin stupid videos you clearly havent seen jal's new video, Aik din ayega. And besides Atif's Mahive's video is probably the worst video in the history of the world.

Take Care
And JAL rox,
Goher ROX

Har Jaga hai JAL

Posted 30 Dec 2004


Age: 125
7390 days old here
Total Posts: 5
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Yar look what Atif has written in Acknowledgements in his CD.

"I also dedicate this album to those people who did not believe in me and left me in this journey. This pulled me to explore myself in a meticulous fashion and forced me to craft more sensitive music, music which is close to my heart and life around."

   Why only Atif has written this type of thing in his CD, why not Goher wrote something like this. This mean that Goher has no on splitting of the band JAL. Also in his interview on PTV World, Atif said that he has left the band due to "Immature" acts of Goher. He also told some acts of Goher which proved that Atif is an innocent guy.
   However, this is a fact that if JAL band remains same as in AADAT song, it would the best band now. I wish Atif and Goher to join again, as it is said in AADAT:
           "Bhula do unhain
            Mita do unhain."

   Well done Atif, and Good Luck
Posted 30 Dec 2004