
Age: 2024
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Cucurbita maxima including pumpkin, hubbard, turban andbuttercup squash, is local to South America and has a place with the class  0550 Angeli and Genetic Anchors 
Cucurbita L. with n?=?20 chromosomes [1]. Pumpkin is one of the most
financially significant harvests inside this species [2], and ordinarily known
as winter squash with its develop natural products expended as vegetables in
the vast majority of the world, particularly in Asia (essentially China and
India) and Africa. Indeed, even in creating nations, pumpkin is a staple food
and a rich wellspring of fat, iron, calcium and nutrients [3]. Moreover,
pumpkin seeds are additionally utilized as food, since they are brilliant
wellsprings of protei
Posted 27 Jun 2020