
Age: 125
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Total Posts: 2
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Pakistan, Pakistan
AOA!!! every body
i m new,i saw this topic just now it is very intresting, resan of intresting that we should understand about the diffrece between love and Freindship and i m showing my point of views aobut love and freiendship.
Love is the powe which controls the world. It is something that can’t be defined but v all know that it exists. To love & 2 b loved is the greatest happiness in the world. Love is even stronger than fear & death. It is like a large box of chocolates: you take a chocolate but u never know what its taste is. Sometimes, it is pleasant & tasty but it might b the opposite. Love is the only illness which people don’t want to cure. It is a folly but it also makes our life different & more exciting bcaz this feeling is typical of each human being. Life without love is like a year without spring. Perhaps, love is just friendship plus physical closeness. It all depends on ur views.
Friendship controls our world too. For some people there is only one step between love & friendship. Friendship is necessary 4 surviving in our hard life. There are some things that you can’t tell ur beloved. U can share them only with ur friends bcaz they will support & advise you. However, friendship is a very controversial symbol. 4 example, Napoleon and Aristotle were both against friendship & love, perhaps because they make people easily vulnerable. There is a saying: “God, protect me from my friends and I will protect myself from my enemies without any help!” In spite of everything said, friendship takes an important place in our hearts and our lives will be just lost without it and love.
There isn’t a definite distinction between love and friendship. Perhaps it doesn’t exist or maybe it is specific for each human being. I don’t know what love and friendship are exactly but I do know that they are the most exciting feelings in our hard and short life.
it is defreence between LOVE & Friendship.
if u think that u r not Satisfy till now then u should tell me. Thanx
Asad Mushtaq
[email protected]price_asad38029.6688425926
Posted 12 Feb 2004