hi doc
apologetic for replying late. was away from the city actually.
off crs hearing of right ear is almost over. i listen only from left ear. but that too is effected.
last evening i met a very senior ENT surgeon in Ali medical complex islamabad. he after doing my audiometry and tympanometry declared that CHOLESTEATOMA does not exist as yet but can be there if proper cure of MIDDLE EAR EFFUSION is not taken. he advised me to get GROMMETS insurted in my ear drums by surgery. again surgery???
so , now the state is that my right ear has frequent discharge, sometime yellowish and sometimes brownish in colour with really pungent smell. pain is not too frequent, but sometimes. left ear is also effected but listens well ,no discharge no pain. but doc says that if i do not get the grommets insurted , fate of my left ear will also be same like the right one.
now i am confused whether i have to get treatment for middle ear effusion due to poor Eustachian tube function or Cholesteatoma?
dear doc
can you give me your e mail address so that the other members around are not bored

and i can discuss my problen in a little secrecy?????