I was search for the same stories to find some solutions mondelez is an example, found in our recent marketer privacy playbook, of a brand that recognized early the importance of building direct customer relationships. In the past, candy shoppers have made their purchases in-store or on retailer sites. But as the marketing landscape shifted, Mondelez worked to develop a direct relationship with shoppers and a first-party data strategy. That strategy carefully considered the value being offered in exchange for establishing a relationship. Take the company’s Sour Patch Kids brand: Fans of the
candy story can go to a website, handpick flavors, customize the packaging with their names, and order their own unique box of the multicolored, sugar-coated candies.
“When people choose to connect with us directly and share information, we ensure that a high bar is met in terms of the value they get in return,” explained Jonathan Halvorson, VP of global media, digital, and data at Mondelez.
Hope it helps.