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Let's understand the criticality of the whole system. The green environment is the system which is run by two important links- Government and citizen. Government is taking major steps in environment protection like -introducing strict emission norms, the penalty for industries who would cross emission limits, strict automotive regulation, various campaign to wake up citizens. But all these efforts would fail if we don t cooperate with the government. If one link is active but the other link is inactive then the whole system cannot run properly. Both have to work together for an efficient system. " deck resurfacing in Irish , synthetic outdoor stair tread "
Government is a compelling industry to use new technology for reducing emission and providing dustbin at every station but we are using the car even for a mile distance contributing to emissions or throwing things on road in spite of dustbin encumbering in the functioning of the system. The end result would nullify each other. I evinced the criticality of the point to make you realize that we are an important part of the link. If you understand this you can act as the cardinal link. Let me guide you in simple ways how you can be an active link to the green environment system.
1. God has gifted us with high efficient leg mechanism. So use your leg while going market or any other nearby place instead of the car. Motivate your neighbors also to follow the path.
2. If you don t find dustbin nearby kindly keep the stuff with you and throw in dustbin only rather than the road.
3. If you are an active member then you can also conduct some campaign in schools and colleges. There are many schools which are conducting campaigns. The children are using the bicycle or prefer the walk to reach school.The usage of car has been drastically reduced by 50%
4. You can plant some trees near your locality.
5. If you find a lot of dump near your locality then call the Municipal. Here both the link will work together.
6. Don t use plastic bags. Carry your some cloth bag whenever you go to market.
7. The last and most important bring awareness in your friend circle also. If you see anyone misconducting with
environment immediately realize him/her their mistake.
Remember, be an active link and make the mission successful in making environment green not black.
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