Madame Sangeeta spat out this effort in a matter of days with the idea of repeating a winning formula she had struck with her recent Punjabi smash Sher e Lahore. This film follows the same hackneyed, violent and vulgar path that Sher e Lahore adopted and is hoping to match the latter's box office muscle in the coming weeks.
Dada Badmash involves a typically infantile plot of clan animosity with the usual ingredients of murder and revenge dominating. Comical bloodbaths dominate proceedings with some respite in the form of some seriously saucy gyrating by Saima, Meera and Resham that leaves little to the imagination. Shaan does his Sultan Rahi impersonation to good effect while Moammar Rana tries his utmost to appear manly and aggressive and exude the requisite levels of machismo that Punjabi cinema demands. Poor fellow has had to assume this manic, deranged persona in order to survive in an industry dominated by the Badmash genre. Saud has a very brief role (mercifully) which suggests a badly faltering career; expect to see lots of him on TV shortly. Veteran Yusuf Khan plays the title role of the yeti-like Dada Badmash and does a sterling job of looking supremely 'ghairatmand' (righteous) or comical depending on your point of view. There is a shocker of an actor paired with Resham who does his utmost to appear in another realm of machismo altogether despite looking (and behaving) like an eleven year old. No doubt he is a young actor with a bright future even if he is possibly the worst actor we may have ever yet encountered!