well finally the website is up the movie named as khuda ke liye and it is directed by none other than gr8 shoaib masnoor who is a very famous musicians lyricist video director and drama director as well earlier he made the drama like alpha bravo charlie and also directed the video of supreme's ishq which stars iman ali so finally he is directing the movie u can check the official site of the movie as well.
Age: 125
7800 days old here
Total Posts: 1287
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
is this the film which he was looking in london for main actor and actress. he said that shooting was gona take place in summer and complete in summer, so its should be completed.
Age: 125
7602 days old here
Total Posts: 1124
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Some news Charizmatic. At least there is one person who has kept his world on making a movie. Most people would have prefered a patriotic film on the arm forces from him instead Shoaib Mansoor has gone for a difficult subject.
All the best and hope that the film becomes the biggest hit of 2005.
Age: 125
7856 days old here
Total Posts: 5317
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Pakistan, Pakistan
well earlier he went for the ptriotic movie on armed force named as YEH BARAF HAMARI HAI but after ward as we know that the indo pak relations have improved so govt. didn't allowed him to go with that so he changed his mind and come up with this one.
paki lion
Age: 125
8048 days old here
Total Posts: 1162
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Netherlands, Netherlands
excellent news..i hope the cast will be attractive and gnna release all over the world...and after this movie i hope shoaib mansoor will direct more moviez..
Age: 125
7531 days old here
Total Posts: 559
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is this movie is shooted or its shooting is not started yet secondly we have stoped war films but india hasnt like up coming film ab tumare hawale watan sathio
Age: 125
7800 days old here
Total Posts: 1287
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
well athws was an anti pak film, but since all anti pak films were floping and pak and india were going for friendship they changed the story line around. but still i think it has anti pak dialogues.
shoaib moonsoors shooting in usa is complete i fink, he said that in ARY in june that he was searching for an actor and actress in london and will take them to usa for shooting and will complete it in summer, so only shooting for pakistan might be left.
Age: 125
7800 days old here
Total Posts: 1287
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
yea i agree ahmed butt is the next big thing in lollywood. his acting in salakhein was superb and if you think he cant act i would advise you to go to your local hospital and get your eyes checked.
Age: 125
7856 days old here
Total Posts: 5317
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Pakistan, Pakistan
well his dialogue delivery is just pathetic i saw him acting in a drama and he was hope less tht is why faisal qureshi dubbed his voice but i wonder that will faisal qureshi always dubb his voice in his next movies
Age: 125
7376 days old here
Total Posts: 2
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is it possible for some enthusiasts to be a part of film crew ... any chance??? is there ny part of work will be done in KARACHI? aLL prayers for shoaib mansoor n de ppl at this forum..