Janubaba has been rated and talked about on www.kirans.com Miss Kiran Akhtar has enjoyed the website so much that she decided to promote it even more in the United Kingdom. Kiran has wallpapers in the model section and is in the Model watch section. Kiran also has a few topics in the forums. "Janubaba is so much fun & i would recommend people to sign up and enjoy" by Kiran Akhtar
Age: 125
8108 days old here
Total Posts: 284
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
quote:Originally posted by Mani
Shit i rea dthis topic after ive been thru HI P. :P
Maniiiiiiiiiii! No please! pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls Dont provoke anything........especially in my topics please....2 are already locked...i dont want a third one too ok.....Thank You for understanding [:)]
Age: 125
8108 days old here
Total Posts: 284
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
quote:Originally posted by Bazigaar
quote:coz i'm the KING here and i decide all everybody agrees rite ? who does'nt lemme know..... simple!
i disagree...kar lo jo kerna hae... [:p]
Bazigaar! Pls dont say that! i dont want another petty argument session in my topic please! Why my topics...the names of my topics aren't ....PLEASE ARGUE IN MY TOPICS SO JB CAN LOCK THEM! (sorry JB) But thats the end result and I am not wanting for that to happen in here ok! Pls be supportive. i know you are sick and tired of this issue, then you can imagine hoe I feel! [|)]
Age: 125
8108 days old here
Total Posts: 284
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I am not laughing at you paghal! you sai you was confused! I said...you are not the king....bu the king of ALL kings But admin was your leader......hee hee
Age: 125
8108 days old here
Total Posts: 284
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Kys baat hai Bazigaar, kya baat hai! bye the way...who was Bazigaar? Shahrukh rite! and then there was Juhi as....Kiran......lolz! By the way Bazigaar...i hope you are ok with your link for your personal website being taken off and replaced with mine. If your not ok then I will tell admin so replace back. Just saying it , as I dont want you to feel that i am treading on your toes. Hope its all cool!
Age: 125
8108 days old here
Total Posts: 284
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
quote:Originally posted by Bazigaar
yaay zaheer bhai kon hae?
he is my mate, very tight mate, he is the one that designed my website for me.....when he see's this...i will be mince meat.....jus kidding...he will most proabably put my kiddy photo up and then I will kill him! lolz [:o)] were are very close friends
Age: 125
8108 days old here
Total Posts: 284
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
No Bazigaar! come on...no one has ever seen my baby pics..not even my jaan, Bad Mo.....DONT OK ZAHEER......nahi toh I will put that France foto up! phir mein mummy koh fone kur kuhoon gi kai aap ka baytah websites pur paghal ho raha hai...kaisai kasai foto luga raha hai! lolz....then you gonna get bare beats boy!