Bolly hero ashkay kumar as turned down a anti/pakistan movie recently as I read in the asia newspaper. He said the dialogues were so bad that he just walked out and never want to make a movie like that ever. He doesnt wants his fans abroad to dislike him. He is a good person to do such a thing. He shud come join the bizzare world of lolly.
paki lion
Age: 125
8056 days old here
Total Posts: 1162
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Netherlands, Netherlands
yes indeed he is...the same wid shah rukh khan..I read an interview about him in Movie magazine where he said that he will never do a film where he has to abuse pakistan, as he is a muslim and he will never sells his religion..
Age: 125
7883 days old here
Total Posts: 23
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Canada, Canada
ok wow!!!!!!!akshay kumar is jus sooooo sweet and shahrukh is jus really adorable wat ever they said was jus really kool!!!!and sunny deol i liked him b4 but when he start abusing pakistan i guess no pakistani will like him but his dad dharmedra is really kind i saw him on tv and he said he respects all da cultures but sunny ughhggggggg!!!!!he should be a soldier!!!!he acts like a hero but hes not a good human i mean his hearrt is black there is nooooooo love in him/paitu!!!!!!!!!i want india pakistan tooo ne friends again!!!!i would never think to be enemy with india!!!!!!i wish someday we could b together!!!!!!!india&pakistan are the greatres countries!!!!!/chilpil/gloomy
Age: 125
7883 days old here
Total Posts: 23
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Canada, Canada
HEY.....madiha74 well whoever u are but u know akshay is not working in dat movie which is against pakistan and i read in newspaper today it was a brain new paper ok so akshay is not working in da movie and director is looking4 another hero!!!!~!!!akshay kumar would never do duch thinhs cuz hes jus soooooo innocent and sweet!!!!nad also shahrukh hes very cute!!!!!
Age: 125
7887 days old here
Total Posts: 415
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brain news paper? okk wutever u say! i based my conclusion on wut i read on the site n wut i heard on tv but hey it could be wrong, i guess we can only be positive when the movie comes out
Age: 125
7876 days old here
Total Posts: 77
Points: 0
well the director was coaxed to delete those dialogues outta the movie, cause following suit no actor is accepting movies that bad mouth pakistan. it s a mjor policy shift for bollywood and it s commendable never the less. bollywood is revered in most parts of teh world and the only repercussion these kinda 'stunts' entail is losing out on a huge fan base amongst the pakistanis and other muslim countries. keep it up akshay! we love ya
Age: 125
7876 days old here
Total Posts: 77
Points: 0
well the director was coaxed to delete those dialogues outta the movie, cause following suit no actor is accepting movies that bad mouth pakistan. it s a mjor policy shift for bollywood and it s commendable never the less. bollywood is revered in most parts of teh world and the only repercussion these kinda 'stunts' entail is losing out on a huge fan base amongst the pakistanis and other muslim countries. keep it up akshay! we love ya