Hugging cousins!

sister can't embrass brothers let alone relatives, friends and strangers.
Did anybody mention that unrelated male and female hugs are twist of western culture. It started from when male and female mixed in social gatherings. progressively, shaking hands, touching each other, dancing with unrelated women and then hugging became part of societal practice.
Islam cuts the root of corruption and indecency. It doesn't treat the over-growth of it. That's why islam rejects inter-gender relationships outside of the household because it leads to even bigger social problems. It may seem like hugging is normal becuz in western society it has become a norm. Prophet saw said, there will come a time when people will make out on the streets (which would be a norm and not doing so would be questioned, what is wrong wid it?) - and the person who ask people not to do it in the middle of the street would be the most righteous person.
those are my two pennies