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Her mother grabbed her by the many times did I tell you...
Posted 01 Mar 2005

Awaaara says
tO nOt TO Go OuT WiTh ThAt BoY
Posted 03 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis says
Gulping, she raised her eyes to meet her mother's glare. "I love him mum. Don't do this to us..." she said pleadingly.
Posted 03 Mar 2005

LiL_DollY says
Her mother let out a big HUh

and her anger boiled
showed through her hot red eyes

she wasnt through with her daughter yet
Posted 03 Mar 2005

Awaaara says
HeR mOthEr PlAnNeD To gET Her DauGHtEr MaRrIeD aS SoOn aS POsSIbLe
Posted 04 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis says
Marriage would be the best solution for the problems her daughter was causing. No time should be wasted either. She didn't want to risk the chance of her daughter taking a wrong step and doing something stupid and shameful, like running away with that Awaaara boy.

The thought made the bulging blood vessel over her temple to twitch dangerously. She narrowed her eyes frowning and deepened the wrinkles on her face, which the antics of her daughter had given to her more than aging.

“The moment your father comes home tonight, I am going to ask him to phone his brother and fix your rishta once and for all.”
Posted 05 Mar 2005

Awaaara says
bUt ShE TrIeD hArD To ExPlAiN tO hEr MoTHeR tHaT AwAaArA iS NoT thAt BaD

hE hAs a vErY GoOd HeArT, hE'S lOviNg, cArINg,hAnDSoMe

BuT HeR sTuPId moThEr jUsT wOnT LiSteN tO hEr
Posted 06 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis says
Her mother kept a stone face and tried hard not let her heart break on hearing the insistance in her daughter;s voice. She knew the girl was in love, that was clear from how she spoke about Awaaara.

But family honour always came before love. "The boy is a thug - a gang leader for heaven's sake! Where ever he goes the police follows. How dare you even think we would let you marry him!"

Her daughter shook her head. "Please mum...why do those things matter? He's not a terrorist! Just a bad boy with a heart of gold. And we are in LOVE."

"Love? And the respect of your family has no importance to you. Go to your room, this topic is not open for debate."

The girl was taken aback, but she lifted her chin up and let her tears roll down her cheeks. "I will marry him or no one at all."
Posted 06 Mar 2005

Awaaara says
ThE MiNuTe sHe WeNt To hEr RoOM

sHe cAlEd AwAaARa n tOLd hiM "lEtS RuNaWaY"

bUt AWaAaRa'S AnSwer wAs vErY SuRpRiSiNg fOr HeR

He sAiD "i'm nOt gOnna mArrY U wItHouT U'rE PaREnTs pErMisSioN"

hE sAiD "I'M GoNnA PrOvE To u'rE PaReNtS ThAt I'M NoT wHaT tHeY tHInk i aM"
Posted 06 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis says
She sighed and held the phone to her chest. Her mind was racing with questions about her Awaaara's reponce.

(What on earth is he going to do?) she thought and realised that by refusing to runaway with her and promising to prove himself to her family, she loved him even more.

Posted 06 Mar 2005

Awaaara says
nOw sHe wAs ReGreTiNg aBouT WHaT sHe SaId EArLiEr tO hEr moThER---->"Please mum...why do those things matter? He's not a terrorist! Just a bad boy!"

now sHe KnEw thaT SoMeHOw AwAaaRa iS gOnnA PrOvE hImSeLf aS GoOd pErSon, aNd THaT ShE iS dEfInItlEy GoNNA MaRRy HIM
Posted 06 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis says
Smiling, she sat her mirror and began softly humming "Chura liya hai tumne jo dil ko". She raised her pink duppata to cover her head wondering how she would look like as a bride - and blushed giggling

Her mother knocked at the door. The smile slipped of her face. Her father and uncle had come to talk about her rishta!
Posted 07 Mar 2005

Awaaara says
ShE DIdNt KNoW wHaT tO dO

sO ShE TOld HeR faThEr tHaT sHe loVeS AwAaRa N ShE wOnT mArrY AnYOnE eLsE bUT HIm!

HeR UnCLe wAs sOooOOOOoOo sHOcKeD
Posted 07 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis says
"What a shameless girl!" her dad exclaimed, but her uncle was quite and slipped his niece an understanding smile. When he was leaving, he put his hand on her head and whispered "Don't worry beti, I'll help you and Awaaara."
Posted 07 Mar 2005

Awaaara says
sO The uNcLe CoNvIceS thE gIrL'S dAd To AtLeAsT SeE AwAAaRa, TheN wE'LL DecIde

THe uNcLe tElls ThE gIRl To TelL aWaAarA tO cOMe TomOrOOw

ThE gIrL ImEdiAtlEy cAllEd AwAaaRa
Posted 09 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis says
Once in her room, she dialed his number from memory, but his answering machine instead. "Hi hunny - good news! We have an ally in this war, my uncle! He's agreed to help us and wants to see you tomarrow. I'll be waiting for you..."

Posted 09 Mar 2005

LiL_DollY says
but he never showed up
Posted 09 Mar 2005

Awaaara says

lIttLe LaTeR aWaAArA'S bEsT fRiEnD CAaLeD hEr N ToLd hEr, awAaRA iS iN thE hoSpiTaL

Posted 10 Mar 2005

LiL_DollY says
he had been accidentally shot in a drive by shooting
Posted 10 Mar 2005

Awaaara says
sHe ImEdIaTlEy WeNt tO thE hOsPItAl
Posted 11 Mar 2005

LiL_DollY says
and fainted herself
Posted 11 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis says
She couldn’t bear to see her love’s body soaked in his own blood. Just as the world in front of her eyes turned black, she begged god to save him.

When her eyes opened, she found herself on a hospital bed, and her Awaasra love was sitting beside her, his hand on hers. His shoulder was heavely bandaged and the nurse was checking the mobile drip attached to him.

"I'm sorry I didn't come..." he whispered to her and she felt tears sliding down her cheek.

"It's okay, I came after you na." she replied lovingly.
Posted 11 Mar 2005

Awaaara says
A LIttLe wHilE LaTeR, THe gAlS WhoLe FaMilY CaMe tO sEE AwAAaRa n hEr
Posted 12 Mar 2005

It was a bitter disappointment to the family when they saw awaara..who is that mongol said the father..she replied he is..
Posted 12 Mar 2005

LiL_DollY says
the love of my life. Daddy stop saying that. I want to marry him. And were going to do that as soon as we get out of here...
Posted 12 Mar 2005

Awaaara says
hEr DaD sAiD " yOu R My DaUghTeR, n i'm GoInG tO gEt U MaRRiEd wItH wHOeVeR I cHooSe"
Posted 13 Mar 2005

LiL_DollY says
Posted 15 Mar 2005

i warning u my child..Most of us enter into marriage with romantic ideas then suddenly everything goes its not upto u(lolz)..iam not gonna let this happen..

Posted 15 Mar 2005

daughter: i m gonna kill myself
Posted 15 Mar 2005

LiL_DollY says
just kidding
Posted 15 Mar 2005

Awaaara says
No ReAllY, sHe DiD COmMIt sUcIdE, dIeD, thE EnD
Posted 16 Mar 2005

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