yes tt, but it was scary, My college friends decided one of them will dress up as a female (he was a man) and sing Happy Birthday to my in a sexual voice in the middle of a lecture hall

and friends played stupied party games
And i shoved a whole slice of cake into my Brother sister, and best friends mouth

, Who wants some?
and i am anything but kanjoose, i had a huge Birthday cake and took the girls to the water front for dinner in a Italian resutrante, when leaving one of the other resturants was playing will smiths new song Switch, i think i had one to many J20's so i started dancing, a group of Asian males were stairing at all of us, one of my friends knew one male from that group because he is her brothers friend. so they came out to say hello and happy burpday to me, only one Lahorie amercian born Idiot wouldent leave me alone, so many cheesey chat up lines

, but it was a really nice night, and even the Pakistani males i did not know wished me Happy birthday and were so polite and caring, their doing Law degrees so we got on fine,
the total bill was £87.92, (thats one £1 to 200rps last time i checked) the apnay males payed lolzzzzzzzzz
so i am anything BUT kanjoose