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Blue Oasis

Age: 124
Total Posts: 1903
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

Peacock Daze
Deep in the heart of a rose filled garden, overpowered by an intoxicating perfume, a maiden is transported into a world of daydreams. As she drifts into a trance like state, she imagines herself adorned with peacocks and exotic flowers. She enjoys her fleeting moments of escapism.
Posted 07 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Ice and Fire
Hidden well beyond the eyes of mortals a wondrous place exists. This is a place where you can be serenaded on a cloud, and where a candle lights the way to a staircase of dreams. A helping hand will guide you on a visit with the spirits of the trees. Here the fiery passion of true love can melt the coldest heart. Ice & Fire coexist in perfect harmony.
Posted 07 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Oh! what a wonderful night, full of dancing and romance. As she coyly wafts her fan the young woman is surprised to see that the magic of the evening seems unending. Bathed in dazzling moonlight, characters from the scenes on her fan emerge, eager to share in the magic of the night. Truly a Fan-tasy!.

Posted 07 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Dragon Dancers
So magically do the dancers glide across the dragon's back, they feel as though they are flying through the universe. As they swirl and float through fields of flowers, the power of the music and their own movement transports them through the heavens on a journey into the unknown.
Posted 07 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Where Moonbeams Fall
In the soft muted colours of the night, the ethereal fairy dances among the moonbeams, scattering stardust in her play. Serenity and inner joy are reflected in the radiance of her expression and the lightness of her fairy ballet as she dances in communion with the universe.
Posted 07 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Caught by a Sunbeam
Nestling her head on a cobweb pillow the pretty fairy drifts into slumber, after a hectic night of revelry, at a celebration of spring party with the elves and pixies. Many of her friends are hiding nearby!

Posted 07 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Crystal of Enchantment
With her powerful crystal, the enchantress conjures spellbinding magic. Gramophone horns transform into morning glories pouring forth heavenly melodies and great ships sail from seashells to a land where fairies play. The whole world is radiant with magical light and all-encompassing love that flows from her powerful spirit.
Posted 07 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Psyches Dream
As Psyche, the most beautiful of mortals, sleeps among the flowers, she dreams of beholding the perfect face of Eros, her lover. Having found true love in each other, they float down the river of life forever.
Posted 07 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Alternative Reality
Life is full of choices! Having stepped into a mysterious mirror portal, her reflection is caught between two worlds and she must decide to which reality she belongs. Should she enter the hurly- burly of Victorian London street life that feels so familiar to her, and yet so distant? Or perhaps the eerie neglected buildings are all that remain of a palace where once she was a princess. The indecision is yours!
Posted 07 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Winged Vision
In a surrealistic world, where galleons sail through seas of flowers and birds bring visionary worlds on their wings of flight, a magical bird bears a message of love that transcends time and space.
Posted 07 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Bubble World In the universe of bubbles, each shimmering orb contains a world all its own. Some are filled with rainbow rivers, tranquillity and peace, while others provide a glimpse into exotic adventures in faraway places. Together the two friends watch with curiosity to see which of the floating images will merge with each other into a brand new world. Will they transform into worlds where new images are caught or will they timelessly float just out of reach?
Posted 07 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Seasons of Life
From the sea of life emerge the enthusiasm and innocence of youth in Springtime. Summer brings joy and ripening maturity which flows into the contentment and memories of Autumn. Winter brings an ever-deepening wisdom and understanding of oneself and the universe. Each season has a beauty all its own that intermingles with every other season to make life a continuing miracle.
Posted 07 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

The Enchanted Flute
As a lovely girl plays her enchanted flute, the silvery notes cause fairytale cities to rise from the flowers. Joyful children sail forth to a world of adventure in a boat drawn by magical butterflies, and a whole universe of hopes and dreams pours forth to fill the air. As with the young girl, within the spirit of each one of us are treasured hopes and dreams just waiting to be carried into the universe on the wings of magical butterflies. May your dreams be lifted on butterfly wings!
Posted 07 May 2005

Blue Oasis says
Moon Goddess
Draped in her glimmering veil of stars, the Goddess Selene tenderly guides the moon on its celestial journey, keeping watch over the night-bathed earth. Her face is lit by the gentle glow of moonbeams from the heavens and by the profound power of her own inner peace and love for mankind.

Posted 07 May 2005

DejaVu077 says
very nice
Posted 07 May 2005

WooOOooWWww chand

oh and images

great work
Posted 07 May 2005

Blue Oasis says
hehe I'm glad you like them,
they are by Joesphine Wall, my favorite artist, her paintings have an innocence, creativity and beauty I have never seen any where else.

I shall put more up soon
Posted 07 May 2005

Posted 07 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Prelude to a Kiss
That 'magic' moment! - the frozen frame in time, savouring the powerful emotion of that first kiss. As their lips move ever closer they can feel the electricity in the air as they approach the blending of their two minds and spirits.Their thoughts and pulses race as the heavenly conductor leads them to a crescendo in the concerto of love.The enchantment of that moment will last forever.

Posted 07 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Andromeda' Quest
Andromedia sails away in her magical galleon in search of adventure beyond earthly boundaries to worlds beyond the stars. As she travels she listens to the strange and haunting sounds of flower music emitting from her gramophone, spreading "Morning Glory" in her wake and creating rainbow butterflies. As the cosmic currents waft through the sails they portray a vision of other lands to be discovered in other dimensions.

Posted 07 May 2005

Jia_ka_chand said:

hehe I'm glad you like them,
they are by Joesphine Wall, my favorite artist, her paintings have an innocence, creativity and beauty I have never seen any where else.

I shall put more up soon

coz m a artist 2 u know not fams yet but lolz

yeah they are really nice, all those colors and nature woowww superb

thanks for sharing

yeah do most more, c i came to check again

Posted 07 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Lilac Dreams
Nestled beneath the silky folds of her lilac satin sheets, she drifts off into the mysterious world of her imagination. As with many young women her fantasies are of fairytale castles, romance and brave deeds. Many images mingle to form a collage of her innermost thoughts. Dreams of warm summer days in the country or perhaps being swept up into the strong arms of her lover to ride off into a sea of clouds, towards the new dawn.

Posted 07 May 2005

Posted 07 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Alighting from her craft on the river of dreams, the girl is faced with a wondrous sight. Illuminated by candlelight she is thrilled to find an enchanted grotto full of tempting paths, each one leading to a new adventure. Which one should she take?

Posted 07 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Love is in the Air
Dancing in the moonlight the lovers are transported to a world of their own. The moon becomes a glittering mirror-ball scattering rainbow stars to light up their cloudy ballroom. When love is in the air all things are possible!
Posted 07 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Reflections of Winter
Luxuriating in the warmth of a long spring day, surrounded by natures bounty, she looks into the mirror and catches a glimpse of an icy wonderland. Perhaps it's a parallel world or just an alternative moment in time where two seasons exist simultaneously. The coolness of the reflection helps to relieve from the heat of the day, just like the wonderful coolness of an ice-cube in your mouth.
Posted 07 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Fantasy in Blue
As with all fantasy the unexpected becomes reality, if you can allow your mind to venture into a world of imagination. Blue roses are commonplace, cats and antlered hares can soar in a moonlit sky, and fairies hitch a lift with a passing moth. A maiden of the forest looks on in awe at the realm revealed as she peals back the petals of a magic rose. They are all drawn by the mystical light, summoned to embark on a mysterious adventure.

Posted 07 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Key to Eternity
This image is all about the mystery of time. The lovers shown in negative form are Time Lords responsible for the smooth passage of time, and the key to eternity. He wears a blindfold to avoid distraction and to concentrate his thoughts on his important task.

According to the language of flowers the White Poplar is said to represent time and the maiden wears a crown of its timeless leaves with their brilliant silver undersides. The water carrier represents the new age - 'Age of Aquarius'- and the past by the ancient stone circle within the everlasting clock.

The girl sitting beside the clock carries a needle perhaps to put a 'stitch in time'. The wise old owl looks on as the dandelion clocks shed their seeds continuing the everlasting circle of life. This is only one interpretation…

Posted 07 May 2005

Jia_ka_chand said:

wwooowww beautiful
Posted 07 May 2005

Blue Oasis says
~ ßã£îçh ~ said:

Jia_ka_chand said:

hehe I'm glad you like them,
they are by Joesphine Wall, my favorite artist, her paintings have an innocence, creativity and beauty I have never seen any where else.

I shall put more up soon

coz m a artist 2 u know not fams yet but lolz

yeah they are really nice, all those colors and nature woowww superb

thanks for sharing

yeah do most more, c i came to check again

No prob
I would like to see your work, I make a good fan I'll give you my e-mail if you agree to share

I used to do art, I even found my old painting equipment today, but alas it wasn't to be my field.
Posted 07 May 2005

Blue Oasis says
~ ßã£îçh ~ said:

Jia_ka_chand said:

wwooowww beautiful

yeah this is one of my favorites, I'm having a poster made of it to put in my room
Posted 07 May 2005

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