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Blue Oasis

Age: 125
Total Posts: 1903
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

Peacock Daze
Deep in the heart of a rose filled garden, overpowered by an intoxicating perfume, a maiden is transported into a world of daydreams. As she drifts into a trance like state, she imagines herself adorned with peacocks and exotic flowers. She enjoys her fleeting moments of escapism.
Posted 07 May 2005

cutefriend says
Posted 16 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

My path is an ancient one,
my heart is true and wise...

I celebrate the fertile green earth,
and see with open eyes...

I seek the mysteries of the moon,
and dance beneath its gaze...

I pay homage to the Goddess,
and lift my arms to her in praise.
Posted 16 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Follow the dark path,
through twisted trees
and shadowy hollows...
with only a candle to
light your way.

Let the Faery Queen
be your guide, as you
embark on a journey
to a hidden realm
filled with enchantment.
Posted 16 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Look with the open
mind of a child...
let imagination
be your guide...

a new world will
unfold, before
your very eyes...

a wonderous place of
dreams and dragons...
now spread your
wings and fly.
Posted 16 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Listen close to the whispers
on the autumn winds...
for they tell of the secret
passage to the faery realm.

Through twining vines
and tangled trees, a hidden
path leads to an enchanted
place, rich and strange.
Posted 16 May 2005

cutefriend says
yeh to read hi nahi ki ja rhai ?
Posted 16 May 2005

Blue Oasis says
I see, no worries I'll put their poems up as well.
Posted 16 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Follow your wildest dreams,
wherever they may take you...

Celebrate each moment you're given,
for your time on earth is precious...

Remember to believe in magick,
look and see it all around you...

Let your spirit be a beacon,
lighting the way through darkness...

In the end it's love that matters,
and how your life is truly measured.
Posted 16 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

As the full moon rises
to its nocturnal throne...

the children of the night
awaken to weave their web
of gothic enchantments.

Through the shadows they
creep, whispering their dark
secrets on the night winds.
Posted 16 May 2005

Jia_ka_chand said:

I'm going to do some cheating here with this next post, and only this post I assure you.

Yes November Rain by Guns N Roses is a song, but the lyrics have great poetry and besides I made this graphic all by myself (the pic is an adaptation from Angel Sanctuary Anime)

Hope you like,


wwoow chand really nice choice and work

keep it up ~ ßã£îçh ~38488.8393287037
Posted 16 May 2005

Jia_ka_chand said:


she looks like Imaan Ali   

Posted 16 May 2005

Blue Oasis says
she does doesn't she    I have a nice seperate pic of her which i will put up when I get home, I've updated the ubove images with a their poetry
Posted 17 May 2005

Guest_005 says
Posted 17 May 2005

Blue Oasis says
^ a very thoughtful raja
Posted 17 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

All Hallow's Eve
Beneath the full moon of the witching hour, stands
a dark enchantress with her raven familiars. She has
waited all year for this moment, when her dark magick
is released into the world on this long, shadowy night.
Posted 17 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Set against an art noveau backdrop, drenched in
rich blues and teals, the Faith Angel bows her head
in prayer as she holds a white dove in her hand.

She reminds you to have faith...in yourself, and most
importantly, in something even greater than yourself.
Posted 17 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Set against an art noveau backdrop, drenched in
rich pastel hues, the Hope Angel bows in prayer
with arms raised gently over her head.

She reminds you to never lose hope...
for brighter days will surely come.
Posted 17 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

The Love Angel is surrounded
by deep pink roses and holds a golden heart pendant.

She reminds you of the importance of love...that it truly
is the reason for our existence here on earth.
Posted 17 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

The Peace Angel bows her head
in thought as she clutches a white peace lily.

She reminds you to strive for peace...to learn
to embrace diversity and love one and another.

Posted 17 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

The Joy Angel releases a
beautiful yellow butterfly as she smiles gently.

She reminds you to celebrate the joy of life,
for joy truly makes this world a wondrous place.
Posted 17 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

The Courage Angel stands
surrounded by rich foliage in bloom.

She reminds you that courage truly is a virtue,
that it gives us strength to persevere.
Posted 17 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

The Wisdom Angel holds a dragonfly
in her hand and stands in a bed of lotus flowers.

She reminds you that wisdom is a virtue that is learned,
and that as we grow we gain precious knowledge.
Posted 17 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Poised on a flat shale rock shelf near the black
waters of her watery home, the Siren prepares to
unleash her haunting song onto the salty night
winds, luring unsuspecting mortals to their fate.
Posted 17 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Mistress of Wolves
By the light of a full moon, the Mistress of Wolves rests,
protected by her wolf companion. Her bewitching song can
be heard on cold winter nights, barely audible, rising gently
above the howling winds, entwined with the lonely cries
of her wolves.
Posted 17 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Spinning her dangerous web, weaving it intricately
behind her, Ariadne awaits an unsuspecting
and weary traveler...ready with her poison.
Posted 17 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Standing before her ancient symbol, Belladonna
spreads her raven wings out against the night.
Her hands are bound with a velvet rope, but
only loosely. She can escape her restraints
whenever she so desires.
Posted 17 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Circe, the sorceress from Greek mythology who
lured sailors to her, only to turn them into animals
with her magic, is shown here with her gazing ball.
Posted 18 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Clutching the symbolic pentagram, a young witch
stands beneath a twisted tree under a waning moon,
preparing to weave her spells upon the night.
Posted 18 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

Dressed in flowing garments of vibrant red,
holding a deck of tarot cards, a Gypsy leads you
into her parlor where she will fortell your future.

Posted 18 May 2005

Blue Oasis says

From behind dark eyes she peers, wearing
a moon crown adorned with feathers. With
her raven wings outstretched, she waits...
Posted 18 May 2005

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