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Age: 2024
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You need to carefully select online casinos, read reviews, game rules and other information about them. I recently decided to play in  wintingo , preliminary reading the rules on the site . A couple of times I managed to win, so it's not a divorce))).
Posted 22 Jul 2020

Epiphany1 says
You made a wayWhere there was no wayLord, There is no one like YouYou are the wayYou are the truth and lifeThere is no one like YouThe wilderness is now a fruitful groundThere is no one like YouThe Stone the builders rejectedIs now the Chief CornerstoneThere is no one like YouAka Aka Ya (His Hands)Aka Aka Ya (His Hands)Aka ye (His Hands)Aka Jehovah na’eme mma (The Hand of Jehovah does Good)Aka Aka Ya (His Hands)Aka Aka Ya (His Hands)Aka ye (His Hands)Aka Jehovah na’eme mma (The Hand of Jehovah does Good)When the enemy comes like a floodI just shut him up in the Name of JesusCos Your Name is greatCos Your Name is PowerCos Your Name is Mighty OneNo One like YouLet’s Talk aboutShadrach, Meshach and AbednegoThey were thrown in the fireBut You became the Fourth man in the fire O GodNo One like YouWhat about Daniel in the Lion’s denHe was left to be devoured by the LionBut You stepped in everything changed O GodNo One like YouWhat about Paul and SilasThey prayed (Tongues)They sang HalleluyahAnd the Spirit of the Lord came downNo One like YouWhat about meWhat about meWhat about meWhat about meYou put Your Spirit O God in meAnd then You said that I’mThe Apple of Your eyesNobody can challenge YouNobody can challenge You(Tongues)No cabalNo diseaseNo demonsNo devilNo infirmityYou are bigger than them allYou are bigger than them allSo I come in the Name of JesusIn the Name of JesusJesus!Jesus!Jesus!(Tongues)J
Download latest Frank Edwards songs 
Posted 22 Jul 2020

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