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Shahrukh Khan

Age: 124
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
Welcome Back...where were you..missed you
Posted 08 Jul 2005

~Fragi~ says
     nahi we didnt na....
Posted 08 Jul 2005

cutefriend says

Posted 09 Jul 2005

Posted 09 Jul 2005

~Fragi~ said:

      nahi we didnt na....

Posted 09 Jul 2005

~CHANDNI~ says
wel come back
Posted 09 Jul 2005

kaloo wapis aa gayee
Posted 10 Jul 2005

Guest_005 says
wel kum bak
Posted 12 Jul 2005

Asian says
shahrukh khan said:

Welcome Back...where were you..missed you

awwwww poor baby here you go muwah and a big hug.

well my laptop is DEAD so i am using a friends computer, and well i have kind of been busy trimming the Garden and well house work too, and My khan came to see me

one thing i will like to say, I SHOULD HAVE TOOKEN YOUR WORD AS COMMON SENSE!

i will never ever challange a Khan. Man you people are more krazy then me!!!!

What happend is my Khan came last Saturday to my Area. he was so cheeky, i was late picking him up so he called me to ask where i was. i was rushing to the Bus station to pick him up but then he told me to turn around when i got their because he was standing right behind me.

Then we wanted to go to "USA CHICKEN" it's a Halal eating joint but that was closed then after that we just sat in coffee 1 (it's like a Student chill out joint ) i bought a banana smoothie and he had water (you can guess what joke he make about my drink .

then we went to a friends house where he decided to attack me when i was least suspecting it pushing me back and diving for my lips . (like i said you Khan's are Flaming mad ) but only managed to get my cheeks .

then he came to my house where he was poking fun at my sister and wondered around my house looking at everything. it was nice because i took him into the garden and showed him all the flowers but he just kept stairing at me. i told him look at the flowers he said he was looking at the prettyest flower of all so sweet. so it was nice but i cannot tell you everything that happend thats a girlie chat but all i can say is

from the pinning me down to kiss my cheeks i have learnt a very good lesson

NEVER EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, CHALLANGE A KHAN. theyre krazy not to mention cunning and overpowering.

I'll get him back next time he comes

so what have you happy people been up to?
Posted 12 Jul 2005

Posted 12 Jul 2005

Asian says

Hug me my fellow Europen Pindo

but you Khans are sort of Handsome
Posted 12 Jul 2005

HiRa.... says
Posted 12 Jul 2005

Posted 14 Jul 2005

Posted 14 Jul 2005

Asian says
Hyie Hira

My Khan is sooo cute mute
Posted 16 Jul 2005

cutefriend says
Asian said:

Hyie Hira

My Khan is sooo cute mute

nahi nahi
Posted 19 Jul 2005

Asian says
jee haan
Posted 20 Jul 2005

cutefriend says

ok as u wish

but i think not
Posted 20 Jul 2005

Posted 21 Jul 2005

cutefriend says
ha ha ha ha
Posted 21 Jul 2005

Asian says
koon fatty?
Posted 22 Jul 2005

~Fragi~ says
me slimy slimey
Posted 22 Jul 2005

Asian said:

koon fatty?

you..fat arms
Posted 22 Jul 2005

Asian says
shahrukh khan said:

Asian said:

koon fatty?

you..fat arms

have not, you got a BIG FAT BUTT HEAD
Posted 22 Jul 2005

Asian says
~Fragi~ said:

me slimy slimey

Posted 22 Jul 2005

u kaloo
Posted 22 Jul 2005

Asian says
u bhangroo
Posted 25 Jul 2005

U Beevis
Posted 27 Jul 2005

Asian says
you Lahorie (thats insulting enuff lol)
Posted 27 Jul 2005

Beeevis na na na
Posted 27 Jul 2005

Asian says
Smelly na na
Posted 27 Jul 2005

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