Nothing Is Off Limits

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Rain Man

Age: 125
Total Posts: 24391
Points: 0

United States, United States
When i kill some how i think i must be crimi-naly
throwin threats at these pigs that got these rulez for me
But i suppose anything goes when it comes to my posts
Nothin' is off limits... except for ur ugly nose
I didnt know, i'm so sorry
please tell me what i can do to make it up to those of you who I offended on JB
Ooh, i got it
I got an apology for the love birds too
up,wait,here Its in my pocket...BOO U,
Hey what do you say kids, whats new?
life is good, man im chillin, Athar, how about you?
We'll get through, we always do

Posted 19 Jul 2005

Rain Man says
n i always told em i'm the nicest friend they could have, but JB jus don't listen...
Posted 30 Jul 2005

~CHANDNI~ says
LiL_DollY said:

Omnipotent said:

I'm cool, calm, just like wol
With a couple of tricks of my own
Look its Athar with a trick up his sleeve
To get u mental-ee addicted to JB
I can't describe the vibe I get
When I change my user names
for haterz to think
oh whip
I started to fight it
Squashed a chick under the clip see
And got Doc on my side to fix it
Cuz these mods want me to be afraid
So I type jibrish to stay in shape
Till I see these kidz walkin in the rain
I wana hit them run n change my name again
So boo fame come into my range
I said come into range
99% of the JB is out of town
I don't ever curss, better ask around
D-Squad throws the bomb in your house
Maybe Yas-Devil is passing out
Quick get him to the grave before he crashes out...

to be continued...

Oh yes...he's Yas
Lil devil in disguise
look deep down and you'll see
He's somthing more
than you ever thought
ever dreamed
ever seen

The ways he thinks the things
the way he rolls
words through rhyme
its a special time
for a friend to listen

The folks here
the folks there
let them be
as they are
worry about yourself
care for you
who you are
what you are
no one cares
unless he dares
to have a friend
like YAs---the cute lil devil.

kool   YAS
Posted 30 Jul 2005

LiL_DollY says
Omnipotent said:

n i always told em i'm the nicest friend they could have, but JB jus don't listen...

Well Mr. Opposite
Great minds think alike
what yah think
Posted 30 Jul 2005

LiL_DollY says

LiL_DollY said:

Omnipotent said:

I'm cool, calm, just like wol
With a couple of tricks of my own
Look its Athar with a trick up his sleeve
To get u mental-ee addicted to JB
I can't describe the vibe I get
When I change my user names
for haterz to think
oh whip
I started to fight it
Squashed a chick under the clip see
And got Doc on my side to fix it
Cuz these mods want me to be afraid
So I type jibrish to stay in shape
Till I see these kidz walkin in the rain
I wana hit them run n change my name again
So boo fame come into my range
I said come into range
99% of the JB is out of town
I don't ever curss, better ask around
D-Squad throws the bomb in your house
Maybe Yas-Devil is passing out
Quick get him to the grave before he crashes out...

to be continued...

Oh yes...he's Yas
Lil devil in disguise
look deep down and you'll see
He's somthing more
than you ever thought
ever dreamed
ever seen

The ways he thinks the things
the way he rolls
words through rhyme
its a special time
for a friend to listen

The folks here
the folks there
let them be
as they are
worry about yourself
care for you
who you are
what you are
no one cares
unless he dares
to have a friend
like YAs---the cute lil devil.

kool   YAS

Yes he is cool
so cool that
the lil devil
is made of ice
not fire

he cools
the hot minds
he chills
n never burns
he thrills but never kills

yah get me>
Posted 30 Jul 2005

Rain Man says
LiL_DollY said:

Omnipotent said:

n i always told em i'm the nicest friend they could have, but JB jus don't listen...

Well Mr. Opposite
Great minds think alike
what yah think

101% right

but i my self claim to have an Evil Mind
Posted 30 Jul 2005

Rain Man says
See I'm a poet to some, and a fist to a face to some
Oh Yas Christ...
These idiots are back with their own fear
To ruin my picture i painted for these kids on JB
Not to let them see the devil inside me

But that ain't the case, see it's a matter of taste
I change my name n u think i'm tryin ta be God? for God sakes "gimme a break"
Or maybe u're too big of a loser who wants to escape
Outta the closet where u've been hidin this whole day
Let me give u a lil friendly help
Next time u talk about me in a negative way
I wouldn't mind smashin ur face thru the wall then ur grave

See it's easy as cake, n rulez have nothin to fix it
while I'm being Omnipotent n got 60 members against me
Go to war with the bookworms, havin debates with the modship
Imma devil so they invited me to take a bath in holy water
No wonder they try to hold me under longer
I'm restless to fight to, eyeful
The new style dude, which u never have to
Carry on u, u can't be me, is jus i'm
So let me keep changin my name
Pass n other comment n i'll crush u under my fame
Look around me its a game of red hot fire flames...

Posted 31 Jul 2005

~CHANDNI~ says
LiL_DollY said:


LiL_DollY said:

Omnipotent said:

I'm cool, calm, just like wol
With a couple of tricks of my own
Look its Athar with a trick up his sleeve
To get u mental-ee addicted to JB
I can't describe the vibe I get
When I change my user names
for haterz to think
oh whip
I started to fight it
Squashed a chick under the clip see
And got Doc on my side to fix it
Cuz these mods want me to be afraid
So I type jibrish to stay in shape
Till I see these kidz walkin in the rain
I wana hit them run n change my name again
So boo fame come into my range
I said come into range
99% of the JB is out of town
I don't ever curss, better ask around
D-Squad throws the bomb in your house
Maybe Yas-Devil is passing out
Quick get him to the grave before he crashes out...

to be continued...

Oh yes...he's Yas
Lil devil in disguise
look deep down and you'll see
He's somthing more
than you ever thought
ever dreamed
ever seen

The ways he thinks the things
the way he rolls
words through rhyme
its a special time
for a friend to listen

The folks here
the folks there
let them be
as they are
worry about yourself
care for you
who you are
what you are
no one cares
unless he dares
to have a friend
like YAs---the cute lil devil.

kool   YAS

Yes he is cool
so cool that
the lil devil
is made of ice
not fire

he cools
the hot minds
he chills
n never burns
he thrills but never kills

yah get me>

    i   dont  & nbsp;think heis a firez man

Posted 31 Jul 2005

Rain Man says
Posted 01 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
DəVIL said:

See I'm a poet to some, and a fist to a face to some
Oh Yas Christ...
These idiots are back with their own fear
To ruin my picture i painted for these kids on JB
Not to let them see the devil inside me

But that ain't the case, see it's a matter of taste
I change my name n u think i'm tryin ta be God? for God sakes "gimme a break"
Or maybe u're too big of a loser who wants to escape
Outta the closet where u've been hidin this whole day
Let me give u a lil friendly help
Next time u talk about me in a negative way
I wouldn't mind smashin ur face thru the wall then ur grave

See it's easy as cake, n rulez have nothin to fix it
while I'm being Omnipotent n got 60 members against me
Go to war with the bookworms, havin debates with the modship
Imma devil so they invited me to take a bath in holy water
No wonder they try to hold me under longer
I'm restless to fight to, eyeful
The new style dude, which u never have to
Carry on u, u can't be me, is jus i'm
So let me keep changin my name
Pass n other comment n i'll crush u under my fame
Look around me its a game of red hot fire flames...

WOaaaaaaaaaaahhhh ho
You throw me back with the words you say
You impress me
with your creative
your an intelligent man
with a mysterious plan
those who see or those who dont
who understands N
who doesnt
Ur fame
ur game
it aint no shame
whose to blame
me or you
no ones in sight
all fearful
and quiet
whose got the might
to use powerful words
to shed his
among right
---rightful friends
that wont bite
and stay tight
with ya Lil DevIl

WE love
n accept yah as is...UNIQUE...
Only this line.

Posted 01 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
maybe u're not use to talkative poetry...
do u only write love poems n stuff...
Posted 01 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
I write poeams all the time
every kind
every time
I feel the rush
I just pick up
my pen
and began to paint the words
like smoothing a brush
over paint
with a crush
they all come at once
in my head
wanting to come out.
Posted 01 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
Second search, it gets worst
It gets no better than this
Got mods comin to my topics makin their trips
From a different point of view, if you ever try ta lose me
Or confuse me with a kid u always try to tease, but me
I will rub it in ur face thru every post u make
Yas ain't havin it as long as Athar is here ta play Devil's Advocate
My poemz is a lil psychotic for whoever's there to read it
They're like punch lines with more powers to it
You probably get mad jus from readin thru it
It's got that kinda power to it
It's probably because of the drugs Yas writes what he writes
and is what he is, I'm dizzy bizzy everytime i visit JB
Posted 02 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
ahhh...let me enjoy your poem again
Posted 03 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
The way I feel...miserable
My bodies sore
My heart is poor
weak and steady without you
waiting forever the things you said
the promises you made
caem true through everything
we've been through
ups downs
criss crosses
every person races to be in each others pockets
pockets that lead to hearts in love
hearts that are happy
crushing apart.
Here I am today just writing whatever comes to my fingers
pressing these buttons on my Da*m
feelings galore...

how Can you say forget me now
can someone so deep be forgotten
the things you said these last two days
have made me rotten.
Dont think with your mind...
think with your heart
lets sit together and share a fruit tart
make happy moments

I trusted you
I thrusted you
I laughed with you
and cried with you.
And what do you do
turn around and say
Da*m you if you cry
of let out one tear
I will be your fear
When I leave your life within one second
then for you everyhtign will be clear.
You wanted me to be happy...
but why you never came
I never understood until this day.
I thought you were the one
I still think you are
why are you trying
to break my little heart
Posted 03 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
Posted 03 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
so it means ur heart is broken
n the person u like aint answerin ur calls
now its time for my advice...
leave him alone, n search for more...

thas y i say luv is dum n lust all the way...
Posted 03 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
DəVIL said:

so it means ur heart is broken
n the person u like aint answerin ur calls
now its time for my advice...
leave him alone, n search for more...

thas y i say luv is dum n lust all the way...

Sighing...No Yas...
I am not heartbroken
A little confused
IM not with the
person Im writing about
Im not searching for anyone
either. must be confused also.

You cant read my poetry
its not very clear.
Posted 04 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
yea prolly iz right, i don't understand love poems, even when i write one i don't know wat it means...
Posted 04 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
DəVIL said:

yea prolly iz right, i don't understand love poems, even when i write one i don't know wat it means...

Laughing...your so cute!
I have a weird life
Destiny rules
and plays the role
of the leader
and doesnt matter
how bad I plead her
never listens
to what lil dolly
But its all in
the hands of God
and I udnerstand God knwos best
so I just let myself go
as a follower
just chill relax
and try to enjoy life
to the fullest. Thats
what Lil-Dolly Does.
Posted 04 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
I know, that I will always continue to grow
As long as I lead and never follow no one else's shadow
There will never be another me
And that I can guarantee
Thats why the heck i got D-Squad rulin today
JB will never be the same
N on this forum I will never die
...I'm forever alive
Posted 04 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
I understand where your coming from
but reality is
is what reality does
you cant control and neither can us.

I am a general...
to the fullest i can be
anything getting in the way.
I hate following
and think people who just
sit around on their lazy butts
should know better.
Be what you can be. Do what you can do.
Put me in a group or without
you will see the leading traits take about.
I am successful
I am who I am
I can be anything anywhere
he at jb
or elsewhere
I am lil dolly
different from everyone
one of a kind
so dont mind
im me
and daz who I am.
Posted 04 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
I'm the devil if ever there was such a thing
I'm involved in murders of ur topics on books couldn't solve
Giant set of fists in which u wouldn't wana get involved
I'm like a walkin, talkin, angel of death n more
Speakin with bookworms I've never read this book before
Well now u know, get ready for some spammin yo
U can't stop me from messin n flipin ur topics off
Look at me you really think i'm right in my mind?
What the heck you think's goin through when i'm typin these lines...
U wana suck my blood out of my body
I know Satan now u wana play all naughty
Might as well turn into a half blood prince
N let 9 million idiots think
U're about to journey into a mind of a psychopath killer
Posted 04 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
Good ending. say this and you say that
your Mr. devil and all that
you say you are...
one Word Whatever
You write something
feelings, emotions...
poetry is your way of releasing
stress, life, love,
whatever that you have
relationships you treasure
deep in disguise

a new leader is born
what am I saying
dont know anything anymore
Im sick as you know
dam* it breathing through
my mouth
cant sleep at night
life is a fight
nothign is bright
fever is scourching
and im here
with yah
babblin my mouth
hope im not boring you.

The way you are
what you say
are totally different
this is what my heart says

what yah think am i right or wrong

all i know is i like being around you
i feel careless and glowin
letting everyhting go
into words typed here...

sighing...deep breathe...

do you get me?

(ur rhymin flow is WAY BETTER THAN MINE)
Posted 04 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
Posted 04 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
yes i do understand ur poem
u keep this up n u'll flow like no other

i want a new name, WOL where u are
Posted 04 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
DəVIL said:

yes i do understand ur poem
u keep this up n u'll flow like no other

i want a new name, WOL where u are

when im sick...
your making me happy

WOL>>>come around the devil needs yah!
Posted 04 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
no problemoz...
Posted 04 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
Cool cool
hey Id really like to see yah
get down on the floor like that
and laugh your head off
that would be a site.
Posted 04 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
u'd think wouldn't u
Posted 04 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
I Know
not think
Posted 04 Aug 2005

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