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Age: 37
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Police State, Pakistan
i hope before Janubaba erases this topic he could see the reason for me rasing it.

i am going to talk about Sex, no i am not mad or besharam. and also Mental health issues.

first off Sex.

Now Islam prohibits this happening before marriage, i agree with this whole heartly as i still have kept my self respect. being raised in a westurn society it is very hard to deal with pressures. but here at least people can educate themselves to get all the information they need. also women can be told about issues.

The Prophet said sex before Marriage was a sin becuase of the family unit breaking up also the fact of S.T.I. (Sexually transimitted infections) If Muslims at the time stuck to this then HIV would have been eridicated in the Middle east well in muslim places anyway.

so why such a Taboo? i mean the same goes for mental health issues. i'am gona be honest i have been to see a psychologist sometimes , i have even studies the subject.

When i met my Khan he was very withdrawn always worried about what other people think. i got 5 random people from college to look at his pic and write comments which i later mailed to him, 3 said he was attractive 2 sai he was not. his whole concentration was on the 2 people who said something bad not the 3 who said something good. i pointed this out to him and it worked.

I was raised in the view that my mom would rarther me ask her then find out for myself.

so why are apnay so stupied to still keep the Taboo?
Posted 02 Aug 2005

cutefriend says
tabooo to netgeo per prog atta hai
Posted 02 Aug 2005

Fairl_Girl says
Posted 02 Aug 2005

cutefriend says
yar really atta tha
ab ka pata nahi

Posted 02 Aug 2005

Actually the problem is culture.When we are chldren our parents avoid discusing sex issues wid children But when Children see TV (NOW MEDIA IS DOING) they know every ups and downs of life. So a frustration rises and cause many social probs.

That also lead to Mental Health disorders
Posted 02 Aug 2005

Asian says

i could ask my mom anything. and she was Pakistani pedeshi. i mean we have servants in the house but she always cooked and cleaned, she was like totally intouch with reality. she was like a best friend.

it's not Cutlure it's peoples arrogance because they are so desenstised
Posted 02 Aug 2005

Blue Oasis says
Sex Education is very important and the UK deals with it reasonably by teaching it to young adults when they are about to reach puberty.

Knowing about the facts of life usually keeps teens from doing stupid things and knowing the risk of unprotected sex. Explaining the Islamic sides lets them know it is nothing evil or tabboo and the importance of chasity.

I know two girls, one who went up to 21 not knowing why she had her monthly times (all she was told by her elder sis was that it was something to keep girls healthy and explained the rituals etc)

Another girl reached 16 and didn't know sex was how you got pregnant, and this is after she had sex. She studied in America and her parents had her pulled our of sex ed classes
Posted 02 Aug 2005

Asian says
okie that was T.M.I. (too much info)

but skool can teach you the Biology but not how to feel and Religion. i mean like working for local goverment i got alot of links.

i'am vice Presedent of my youth council. so i know the Nurse incharge of our area. i mean we get some 12 year old girls who get pregant, 12 YEARS OLD i mean thats kids giving birth to kids. Wales have the highest rate in the whole of Europe.

i made a personal decision not to have sex before marriage because i dident want my husband to be ashamed of me, or my family, bur most of all i want respect for my kids, and hay i'am a desi

just out of intrest who what or how were you guys told about eham eham the bird and the beez?

what about Mental health, Depression is the worst illness because it takes time to show
Posted 02 Aug 2005

but Depression is some thing else
Posted 02 Aug 2005

Asian says
it has the same princpals

Posted 02 Aug 2005

In depression ppl feelweight on heart, disorder in breathing
Posted 02 Aug 2005

Blue Oasis says
I don't know how you made a link to depression from premarital sex

What in my responce gave TMI?
Posted 02 Aug 2005

xactly i am saying that
Posted 02 Aug 2005

Asian says
i'am saying they are both Taboo
Posted 02 Aug 2005

Asian said:

The Prophet said sex before Marriage was a sin becuase of the family unit breaking up also the fact of S.T.I. (Sexually transimitted infections) If Muslims at the time stuck to this then HIV would have been eridicated in the Middle east well in muslim places anyway.

where did you find that hadith

Quran says not to even draw near (pre-marital and extra marital) sex because it is indecent and shamful act. It destroys the society (STIs are only a side effect).

Drawing near illegitimate sex includes all stimulants and circumstances which promote, lead and encourage sex outside of marriage. Prophet said, when an unrelated couple (except for that is permitted) meet in seclusion, satan is the third among them. He prohibited such meetings, let alone hugging, kissing or whatever.
Posted 02 Aug 2005

actually it is taboo but consequences of both are different i agree that sexual disorder some time lead to depression, tests have proved that men are effected of that more than women. But in Women depression is also a big problem , After the age of 40 a women behave strange coz due to some sexual changes,but due to unawarness they get into depresssion.
Posted 03 Aug 2005

Asian says
Smooth_daddy said:

Asian said:

The Prophet said sex before Marriage was a sin becuase of the family unit breaking up also the fact of S.T.I. (Sexually transimitted infections) If Muslims at the time stuck to this then HIV would have been eridicated in the Middle east well in muslim places anyway.

where did you find that hadith

Quran says not to even draw near (pre-marital and extra marital) sex because it is indecent and shamful act. It destroys the society (STIs are only a side effect).

Drawing near illegitimate sex includes all stimulants and circumstances which promote, lead and encourage sex outside of marriage. Prophet said, when an unrelated couple (except for that is permitted) meet in seclusion, satan is the third among them. He prohibited such meetings, let alone hugging, kissing or whatever.

Listen Yankee poodle unlike you some of us actually listen to elders because they have more expreience then us, look around twurp i mean the Islams truth is all around you, Islam is not just a Religion or a book, it's a Way of life

everything from takeing a shower to family life is told in islam.

i know who you are.....
Posted 03 Aug 2005

Asian says
Teen Tracker said:

actually it is taboo but consequences of both are different i agree that sexual disorder some time lead to depression, tests have proved that men are effected of that more than women. But in Women depression is also a big problem , After the age of 40 a women behave strange coz due to some sexual changes,but due to unawarness they get into depresssion.

sometimes the lonest place to be is around people. depression can hit any of us at any time. i mean the loss of someone is the most common. so why bottle it up> just because a person is not waling in tears dosent mean they do not suffer a loss?

i think the pak community is so sureal, everyones busy pleasing or overlooking their own faults to look at others.

i mean look at the child killer, we did a case study on him. he killed over 100 innocent children choped them up and then put their clothes as a keep sake, his crime fitted that of the U.S.A.'s jeffery Dharmer.

but why be angery at someone for aur own failings. the Pak Police falied, the justice system failed, hell our whole nation should be ashamed to allow such a hanus attack to go undetected for to long.

all because theses young kids felt alone or had a lack of education and prospects. what i am saying is that mental health has a HUGE knock on effect to everything and every aspect of our society

so why sugar coat it?

still no one can give me a straight answer??
Posted 03 Aug 2005

yes these are sugarcoated ,few dayz back a some molana hazrat protested against a talk show which was abut the homosexual and in the mean time another channel telecast the mini serial on this topic , So if we see around us mental /physicic problems are increasing.The factors behind that are unemployment,deprived by elders, sexual disorders and media too
Posted 03 Aug 2005

Asian says

wow the pindo has sense lol

so why do asians dance around the obious. i mean i have gay friends. i do not agree with it on a religions stance. but life is to short to hate people.

i mean it's intresting because none of you guys have said how you found out?

for me it was my mom telling me as well as telling me the Islamic stance. thats why i think i am so happy in my skin i do not have to pretend or act or be comfused.

I am attracted to males
I have never eham eham yeah
I also want to wait till i'am happily married and in loove
Posted 03 Aug 2005

Asian u rite
To avoid such problems late marriages shuld be discourge
When a 16-25 year guy see the channels and literature containing P**No his urge increases, so due to this his frustration rises hence rape cases and physcic disorders are rising.So to avoid such hazards late marriages shuld be avoided.This will decrease Homo sexuality both in females and males and also adultry rate can b minimized.
Posted 03 Aug 2005

Asian said:

the Islams truth is all around you, Islam is not just a Religion or a book, it's a Way of life

everything from takeing a shower to family life is told in islam.

and what part of it is in you? What have you read? can you quote one verse in support of what you are saying!You and your likes have sliced and diced Islam to fit your own likings.

You only know a little and that too is what someone told you but you have to run your mouth on every subject. What you quoted of the Prophet is an utter fabrication of your own sick mind.

You don't even know yourself, what'ld do you know of me!
Don't mess with things bigger than you. Just keep fiddling wid your little baby stuff.
Posted 03 Aug 2005

SD every person is responsible for his/her own, so as u dont know asian so how can u comment, she is talking abut mental hazards not abut against the islamic principles
Posted 03 Aug 2005

Asian says
Smooth_daddy said:

Asian said:

the Islams truth is all around you, Islam is not just a Religion or a book, it's a Way of life

everything from takeing a shower to family life is told in islam.

and what part of it is in you? What have you read? can you quote one verse in support of what you are saying!You and your likes have sliced and diced Islam to fit your own likings.

You only know a little and that too is what someone told you but you have to run your mouth on every subject. What you quoted of the Prophet is an utter fabrication of your own sick mind.

You don't even know yourself, what'ld do you know of me!
Don't mess with things bigger than you. Just keep fiddling wid your little baby stuff.

hay listen you twit i know my role as a muslim woman, if i have done or said anything wrong then may ALLAH have mercey on me.

go eat some Dunkin Donughts yaanke and get off ma topic Kapesh
Posted 04 Aug 2005

Asian says
Teen Tracker said:

SD every person is responsible for his/her own, so as u dont know asian so how can u comment, she is talking abut mental hazards not abut against the islamic principles

tt likin ye to mujay jaan tha hai naam tha is ka Str8desi, us ne meri family ko kuch burra kaha, menay us ko choorian per na ker idder se nikal diyah, even janubaba himself had to step in

menay apnie sis (Missy scorpio) se promiss ke thie is ko moo nahie lagaow ge likin deeko ye apna app ko kaboo me nahie rak raha.
Posted 04 Aug 2005

Teen Tracker said:

SD every person is responsible for his/her own, so as u dont know asian so how can u comment, she is talking abut mental hazards not abut against the islamic principles

She quoted the prophet in her post attributing to him a statement he did not utter. She wants to splash her mind out about herself, she's welcom to do that in any way she pleases but she can't offend people's believes any where.
Posted 04 Aug 2005

guest. says
topic closed!!

dnt get personal ppl
the topic will remain close until i hve discussion abt this wid ADMIN!

thanx all
Posted 04 Aug 2005

I'm going to open this topic once again jus on this assurity

no one will pass any racial remarks against anyone ...

Asian .... You've to be carefull when you Quote any refrence abt Qur'an and Ahadees (P.B.U.H).

as WE are talking abt Islam.

So we've to respect our elders and love to our youngers.

and don't quote even my post neither any old post ...

for personal remarks ...

(otherwise u'll not be able to find this topic on Screen)

Posted 04 Aug 2005

Thanks WOL
Posted 04 Aug 2005

Asian says

correct me if i am wrong but was it not ALLAH woh said "their is janat in your mothers feet?" was it not the Prophet P.B.U.H. who said your mom gets 75% of your love and your farther only 25%, is it not true that in heven we are known by our mothers second name. Women have given birth to Prophets and have been given a highly ranked status.

i quoted nothing becuase the roman urdu is never correct, as in i diddent want to translate with incorrectness as that itself is a sin.

the message is clear SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE IS WRONG!

so id educating your children by not only telling them the reality but also the Religous and moral importance wrong? if not then why do we as muslims seem to be so nieve about the subject?
Posted 05 Aug 2005

Asian says
nothing personal hay you said to say and i said, i'am not taking personal digs warmie as to make a point

it's latin for RES IPSA LIQUTOR
Posted 05 Aug 2005

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