Fr@TeRn@L Kh@n TwInZ ; )

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Age: 124
Total Posts: 13322
Points: 0

United States, United States
Stop Running 4m me
Be a man
Talk 2 me
What yah scared of?
(you know what IM talking about)
You dissed me!

Posted 17 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
how i dissed u
Posted 17 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
Come on Man...I tried to send yah a message
And before I could even say Hi there...
you were offline
Posted 17 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
oh that, that aint dissin i left cuz of a reason
Posted 17 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
YOu have a reason for everything

Now tell me a reason for this...
Posted 17 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
once upon a time long long long long long long ago there was a boy...

are u followin this...
Posted 17 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
Of Course..
Im followin

even yah shadow
Posted 17 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
...and he was on msn, but suddenly his hunger wakes up...n before he will do ne thing he signs off n gets him something to eat...he ate it so he don't even know wat it confuses him n he hopes that watever he ate was not alive...The End

so how's ur day goin, ne ways
Posted 17 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
Your So Cute...


IM ok

Wanna hear my story

nah...Im a Bore!
Posted 17 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
if u jus had faith in ur story...
Posted 17 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
YAS said:

if u jus had faith in ur story...

oNce UPon a TiMe ThErE WaS a LiL DoLL
WorKin Her BuTT Off AnsWerIn PHoNe CallS
All Day (what you know my phones whistelin now)
Ne Ways
She WAitEd On JB
4 A lil Devil 2 come Around
All day She waited
Cause she knew he comes and goes
he comes and goes
So finally She's tellin him dis story
and she has to go...(dang it[:@])
cause sis called
wants to find her devil online also.

(adios c ya l8tr)
Posted 17 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
Plain Borin Story

(the kind you like)

Posted 17 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
everyonez gotta story to tell
but not many can put it together this well
so we might as well tell wat rings the bell
'fore i leave for hell bodies gel together,sell
quick 'fore the story gets old...
these kids wana read em but them eyes are fold
sometimes i aint know wat i'm talkin bout
jus like rymes spittin out...
Posted 17 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
I think yah like Eminem alot. I like Eminem also. I like the Mockin bird song deeee best. And he spits out rhymes like you do. Tells stories through words. Your inspired arent yah?
Posted 17 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
hez the reason i even write poetry...
Shady 4 ever
Posted 17 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
I can tell...
I see the similarities
why yah think I like your writin
Posted 17 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
the best thing about him is he don't rap about cars money n girls, all the black rapperz do...he talks about life...n alot of ppl can relate to yea
mockinbird is one of the greatest songs...

who knew i would find a Eminem fan here
Posted 17 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
You also have a few things in common with
He also likes Eminem

LuV EmiNem!
Those are exactly the reasons
why I like eminem also.
I get sick of hearing
other rappers
go on about bs.
Most of the time everyones
just rappin about
materilistic stuff
n da girls...
like yah said.

Eminems Different
I like his flow...
His voice...
The way he just raps so freely

Is real Deep though
Posted 17 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
mockingbird is more like sequel to Hailie's Song...
Posted 17 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
Yah wanna hear something crazy
I dont even own any of his cds
although I like him so much

I own all desi cds
I needa go out and get some
Posted 17 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
lol...i buy all his LPs
i have over 40 cds, almost everything he ever made, freestyles, battles n underground stuff...n then someone told me they got 70 cds of eminem, now i wonder wat i don't have lol...
i use to buy desi music, i jus download it right now...
Posted 17 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
You gave me an idea
I was wondering what to
get my cousin for his bday
Ill jsut get him an eminem
and one for me

40 huh
70 daz alot

You must have a big room to put them all there also.
Posted 17 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
i gotta big safe, who leaves out open for everyone...i got all the songs in my ipod i don't touch them cds, its a collection
Posted 17 Aug 2005

Posted 17 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
cool cool

Posted 17 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
athar ko kya ho gaya
Posted 17 Aug 2005

na jaane mere dil ko kya ho gaya
Posted 17 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
shahrukh khan said:

what happened?

tu agaya

Posted 17 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
shahrukh khan said:

na jaane mere dil ko kya ho gaya

toot gaya?
Posted 17 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
we can glue it back together
I have super glue
Posted 17 Aug 2005

LiL_DollY says
Uh Oh I know what happened...
It was me
The title of the topic
Sorry Mr. Athar

Your still my good friend
Posted 17 Aug 2005

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