Bollywood Embarrassment

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Age: 125
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Why do the indian film makers have to copy the Western/Americans when making films.

And why do they go and film at Western locations where the local people clearly find them very funny as they prance about singing and dancing like idiots.

Please stop this embarrassment which is affecting all asians around the world and giving them a bad name.
Posted 20 Oct 2005

Diya123 says
I know exactly wat you mean, BOLLYWOOD was very special, had his own way of making FAMILY movies,
but the last film are so cald 'modern'.

I love the olfashion movies, I watch Bollywood movies my entire life, and I never saw a movie with so much .....

I hope that they will get back to their sentences, and stay how they are.

That's wath made Bollywood so specia, good stories and respect for the elders.
If they are gonna on like this, you better can watch a HOLLYWOOD movie.

The biggest fans are WE, not some stupid american.

Am i right or wrong???
Posted 21 Oct 2005

jjpr says
I'm sure you are right as I dont watch bollywood movies myself, but have seen these stupid things when switching channels and at other peoples houses.

Posted 21 Oct 2005

*Baby* says
embarrassment? what embarrassment? people like these Bollywood films more then Hollywood more poeople watch these kinds of films more then Hollywood.And when they go at western locations people don't find them funny some of them already know what Bollywood is, cause Bollywood is big over there. Haven't you seen Saalam Namaste, No Entry, Dus, etc there's international people in the films they seem to like what they doing. Even Hollywood actors like Elizabeth Hurley, Catherine Zeta Jones, Beyonce , Ashanti, Saira Mohan like these movies.
Posted 22 Oct 2005

yea ur rite
Posted 23 Oct 2005

jjpr says
*Baby* said:

embarrassment? what embarrassment? people like these Bollywood films more then Hollywood more poeople watch these kinds of films more then Hollywood.And when they go at western locations people don't find them funny some of them already know what Bollywood is, cause Bollywood is big over there. Haven't you seen Saalam Namaste, No Entry, Dus, etc there's international people in the films they seem to like what they doing. Even Hollywood actors like Elizabeth Hurley, Catherine Zeta Jones, Beyonce , Ashanti, Saira Mohan like these movies.

More people may watch them but what does that mean? That there are more idiots? Or simply that there are more people in India.

And just becasue they know what Bollywood is doesn't mean that they like it.
Also just becasue the stars you mention say they like it does that mean its ok. They probably say that to be nice anyway?
At least 95% percent of peole that I have spoken to or have heard speaking about this have always remarked on how stupid this all is. Some white people try to be polite but it is obvious they find it embarrassing.

The international people in these fims are all actors using Bollywood as a stepping stone. They are hoping that because they cant get decent roles esewhere this might help them, unfortunately it is probably harming there careers, certainly outside bollywood. I have never heard of any big name International actors in any Bolyywood movies, and if there is such a rare case then it would be a rare case indeed.
Posted 23 Oct 2005

*Baby* says
yea okay you keep thinking that lol
Posted 23 Oct 2005

jjpr says
Okay I will. So should you.
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Diya123 says
But tell me wath's wrong with shooting in India??????????
Posted 24 Oct 2005

jjpr says
Diya123 said:

But tell me wath's wrong with shooting in India??????????

I dont know who you are asking but in case its me,

I did not say there is anything wrong with them shooting in India, so long as they keep it there and not abroad. The only people who like it abroad are immigrant indians or there kids, and probably a very very small no of foreigners. Nobody else wants it outside India.
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Diya123 says
I meant the exact same thing, the last movies
that Bollywood made, arent shoot in India,
and thats what i wondered by asking,
What's wrong with shooting in India.

Posted 24 Oct 2005

*Baby* said:

embarrassment? what embarrassment? people like these Bollywood films more then Hollywood more poeople watch these kinds of films more then Hollywood.And when they go at western locations people don't find them funny some of them already know what Bollywood is, cause Bollywood is big over there. Haven't you seen Saalam Namaste, No Entry, Dus, etc there's international people in the films they seem to like what they doing. Even Hollywood actors like Elizabeth Hurley, Catherine Zeta Jones, Beyonce , Ashanti, Saira Mohan like these movies.

Posted 25 Oct 2005

>>>>>>What's wrong with shooting in India.

have u heard of a english word named "REPEATED" ... we make 400 films per year... most of dem shot in india.. ppl want to see something diff...

and if the producer has da money then why not.??

and becoz bolly try diff things.. thats why its such a blosssoming industry... otherwise it would be gone like lolly..

to watch the bolly grow.. WATHC "TALKING MOVIES" on BBC WORLD at 10pm Thrusday 27-oct india time..
Posted 25 Oct 2005

jjpr says
Diya123 said:

I meant the exact same thing, the last movies
that Bollywood made, arent shoot in India,
and thats what i wondered by asking,
What's wrong with shooting in India.

Okay sorry.
Posted 25 Oct 2005

jjpr says
[N.T.G said:

] >>>>>>What's wrong with shooting in India.

have u heard of a english word named "REPEATED" ... we make 400 films per year... most of dem shot in india.. ppl want to see something diff...

and if the producer has da money then why not.??

and becoz bolly try diff things.. thats why its such a blosssoming industry... otherwise it would be gone like lolly..

to watch the bolly grow.. WATHC "TALKING MOVIES" on BBC WORLD at 10pm Thrusday 27-oct india time..

Yeah well thats ok if you are coming abroad to do something decent and sensible. Some things are better kept at home because its silly or embarassing to take it out, Bolly films is one of those things.
Posted 25 Oct 2005

sheena says
wow!!!!!!!!!! another idiot on the forums ...embarrassment my foot . mybe that s why all these countries hold seminars and climb over each other to host bolly film crews . governemnts like switzerland and singapore and canada have state level deals to recieve bollywood crews .or yash chopra getting one of the highest civilian award from the swiss government for making switzerland a popular destination for asian tourism or rakesh roshan bein felicited by new zealand government. maybe thats why we have an amitabh bachchan or aishwarya rai statues at madam tussads . or maybe the reason why aishwarya rai has a tulip named after her in amsterdam is cause of that reason . or is it why amitabh gets named the star of the millineum or why pakistani cinema owners go on strike demanding indian movies and channels cause there s no entrtainment in ur islamic nation. india has more ms universes and ms worlds than any other country in the world cumulatively. i wonder why ur own artists defect to a supposedly enemy country and sing praises of it and condemn ur own . in point meera and adnan sami . or maybe that s why all the major hollyood studios are in india investing in indian movies and music .or Mtv and channel V have major media conglomerates in india airing these song and dance routines all over . or how MTv usa launched MTv desi recently which just focuses on bollywood . maybe that s why indians are making their presence felt in hollywood from manoj nite shymalan to gurinder chadda who made bend it like beckham and now bride and brejudice ..or mira nair or jumbolingman who just directed dukes of hazard or shekar kapur who made elizabeth . not to mention aishwarya rai and now sushmita sen and salman khan in marigold . or actors like om puri and naseeruddin shah and saeed jaffri who are regulars in english movies. ..howcome there are indian movies at every film festival in the world and our movies win the golden bears to golden globe and get nominated for oscars . bollywood is an asian giant and sonny boy its big time revenue for these countries and a roving ambassador for india .not to mention how shooting in these countries has increased tourism these locations many fold ..but u dont understand all these economics cause there s no cluture of cinema in your culture or country. it is the only industry besides hollywood that makes billions and hollywood figures for this year have been abyssmal . when there is money to the tune of 50 60 crores riding on a movie then u better believe that there are multi billions who go see it all over the world . . indian movies are the only non english movies that are released in main stream theatres around the world besides hollywood. check out the national geographic documenttry on it or every documentry on bollywood that foriegn channels make, unlike pakistan where cinema is dead and the only reason why it makes news exports are a dictator ..mukhtaran mai..bomb blasts sunni clashes ..and of course AQ khan .not to mention terrorist bombers from london to egypt. take a chill pill dude . music and dance is not your culture ...its ours and the world doesnt consist of uneducated fools that they consider india and pakistan the same . naah the concept of south asia is dead dude . and people after 9/11 and 7/7 realize how different india and pakistan is . whaty sould be embarrassing to you is everytime ur name is mentioned in some terror scandal or lack of democracy or when mukhtaran mai gives statements on the state of affairs of your country or when the MNA's of the grrt land of pakistan wanna destroy all television sets and cinema theatres cause they think its their influence that caused the earthquake. lol
what should be embarrassing that meera and adnan sami leave ur land of pure to settle in india and make stements on how backward pakistan is or the fact that there s nutthin for entertainment there from nite clubs to pubs to theatres to any place where young can hang out and chill or the fact that indian stars seel tickets for lakhs when they do shows in pakistan or tht how everyone is shouting over the rooftops as to how indian culture thru its media has entrenched pakistan . . dont mean no disrespect but truth is bitter dude . so dont give us this paki speal and keep livin ur deprived life and of course dont watch bolly . doesnt change anything dude . lol 95% of people i have spoken to are fascinated and love the costumes and music and dances dude.from ali larter to toby smith to annabell wallace to dermot mulroney to david letterman and oprah all have run shows and interviews on our stars and movies. maybe u r an india hater or plain pissed that we wiped ur cinema and television clean . whatever the reason is .... dekhte bhi hai aur gaali bhi deni hai ....what a typical paaki . lol instead of belittling a country which is more liberal and bigger than you try and get your own house in order dude cause you have been left behind really far in all spheres
Posted 26 Oct 2005

wow sheena
Posted 27 Oct 2005

jjpr says
In response to Sheena.

Well first of all without getting into this dummy's entire post, i will respond to a couple of points and reiterate a couple of others so that the dummy can wake up.

Just becasue foreign countries are asking Baistytwood to come and film at their locations dont mean jack54it. Of course they want their money, they must be loving it asking the indies to come and make a fool of themselves and take their money at the same time, ha ha.
Just becasue they feature in film festivals and a few indian actors have appeared in a few english films (hardly blockbuster Hollywood hits) dont mean jack54it. Most of the time the white folk are being polite more than anything else and i'm sure A FEW genuinely do like the stuff.....AND?

All this does not mean that the majority of people from these international countries inviting them don't find them silly and embarrassing.

If you actually read my posts you would have noticed that I dont watch this junk. That doesn't mean I am oblivious to it does it, perhaps you are so engrossed in this Bull5hit that you are unawre of what goes on around you, hell you even believe its actually good.
And its funny you call me a typical paki considering I am not a paki at all, you seem to assume quite a lot, perhaps its your typical indian mentality.
The 95% you speak to are obviously on the same wavelength as you undoubtedly all asians (likely indians). And just because a majority likes something doesn't make it right does it?
I will leave it at that as the rest of your crap doesnt even warrant a reply.
Posted 27 Oct 2005

sheena says
hahaha another idiot in denial . u have gotta be a paki . u have cited like five reasons for why indian crews are welcome and then in the same breath denying the popularity. sonny boy i dont live in a f**kin box like u pakis . seen the world . well if the majority does like it ...then there s something fascinating about it . . u r the odd one out and which translates into you bein a digressor and an idiot. yea there are and will always be idiots llike you who go against the tide just to make a point but end up making a fool of yourself . yea majority of countries would invite them and then find it silly and embarrassing and then confer awards to them .make our girls ms universes and ms worlds . have international crews to shoot there including their technicians and dancers and u name it . its art dude and art is art whatever genre or kind it is . and people and societies who hae value art and artists know what it is all about . not like pakistan where there s no culture of it and it is considered sin or whatever and artists are treated like sh*t . lol .nice chronology. lol i guess ur some low life jihaid paki from peshawar or somewhere lol . f**k the white folks dude its the asian century now and indian movies are taking the world by storm .in the mean while you could sit in your madrassa and ponder over your deprived life. lol another freeloader pirate king who watches all bolly movies and then make it point to declare to people that you dont watch em like its some kind of a sacrifice or much for your oblivity lol get a life dude. you are the dummy son cause you dont see the writing on the wall lol chil out ..have a couple of tequila shots and hibernate for a while . that will ease ur delusions boy cause you suffer from some kind of real world schizophrenia. get it dummy!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 27 Oct 2005

*Baby* says
wow sheena you goo!

Hollywood Bollywood lol
Posted 28 Oct 2005

sheena says
just stating the facts another slap on this guy s face is the news that gulshan grover has been confirmed to play the ultimate villan in the next james bond movie casino royale. now i guess he realizes what true embarrassment means . lol
Posted 28 Oct 2005

jjpr says
sheena said:

just stating the facts another slap on this guy s face is the news that gulshan grover has been confirmed to play the ultimate villan in the next james bond movie casino royale. now i guess he realizes what true embarrassment means . lol

First I am a paki and then I'm in Peshawar, and now you claim to know my sex. Wow maybe I should start watching bolly you can attain mysterious powers. Or perhaps you just start hallucinating which you are obviously doing .
All your crap....see this is what bolly can do to you, not only is it embarrassing it is also bad for your health. Hope you come round soon, and when you do you dont need to apologise.
Oh by the way this guy Gulshan in a bond movie yeah your right sounds truly emabarrassing.

Funny what a racist paki hater is doing on a predominantly paki forum. Probably a secret paki admirer. You probably wish you were in pak safe from all the indian rapists that roam the streets of Goa looking for western tourists to rape or mug. Tourists that have fell in large numbers due to this fact. You have a lot to say about pak, but that wont let you deflect attention from Indian negativity such as the rape figures in bombay or the corruption prevalent throughout its society JUST LIKE PAKS. And that isn't even the beggining.
Oohh I dont know why I'm even responding to this fantasist. Not again.
Posted 28 Oct 2005

well said jj. Sheena you are so full of S**t.
picking up on a point fromm jjpr why exactly does bolly copy holly so much. you are going on and on about india bolly but maybe you can explain why they always copy west. why cant be original.
You are so anti-pak jj right you are racist.
Posted 28 Oct 2005

sheena says
jjpr said:

sheena said:

just stating the facts another slap on this guy s face is the news that gulshan grover has been confirmed to play the ultimate villan in the next james bond movie casino royale. now i guess he realizes what true embarrassment means . lol

First I am a paki and then I'm in Peshawar, and now you claim to know my sex. Wow maybe I should start watching bolly you can attain mysterious powers. Or perhaps you just start hallucinating which you are obviously doing .
All your crap....see this is what bolly can do to you, not only is it embarrassing it is also bad for your health. Hope you come round soon, and when you do you dont need to apologise.
Oh by the way this guy Gulshan in a bond movie yeah your right sounds truly emabarrassing.

Funny what a racist paki hater is doing on a predominantly paki forum. Probably a secret paki admirer. You probably wish you were in pak safe from all the indian rapists that roam the streets of Goa looking for western tourists to rape or mug. Tourists that have fell in large numbers due to this fact. You have a lot to say about pak, but that wont let you deflect attention from Indian negativity such as the rape figures in bombay or the corruption prevalent throughout its society JUST LIKE PAKS. And that isn't even the beggining.
Oohh I dont know why I'm even responding to this fantasist. Not again.

hahahah what an incorrigable idiot. so i m a secret pak admirer now yea what should i admire ..the fact taht u havent seen democracy in 58 years ..or the fact that i cant choose my own goverment ..or the fact that internationally pakistans reputation is so great that i would be checked for rope marks and stuff to ensure that i dont belong to some terror outfit and be given rough times by the immigration. ...or maybe the fact that i wont be able to run a marathon or go for a jog or take a swim or chill at beaches....or not be able to play tennis in a miniskirt....or maybe i should admire the fact that there would be nutthin to do and nowhere to go cause there are no discoes..nite clubs or pubs where young people can hang out after a hard day work and intermingle ..or is it cause there s no culture of cinema and hardly any theatres and multiplexes left in the country for my entertainment ...or maybe i should admore the fact that sex is forbidden and there are archaic laws like the hudood and zina...or maybe how the countries name gets dragged in one international scandal after the other ..from 7/7 to egypt to AQ khan . well there are lotta facts to be admired i guess and the pist is endless ..isnt it dude . talkin about rapes in goa lol wow maybe that s why millions walk into goa every year for its famous rave parties and beach get together s . goa is a wild place ..a place which you can only imagine in pakistan dude and even this year for new years its all booked . there are more foriegners in goa than indians . lol well maybe that s why mukhtaran mai and sonia naaz get splashed all over the place and international media has a field day projecting to the world what an archaic country pakistan is . any rape cases in india that are world famous ....cant think of any . musharraf makes a speech at UN trying to project a soft image of pakland and gets royally screwed by women organizations and NGO's that it turns into a circus and he has to walk out. lol its all perception dude . tourism in india is a billion dollar industry dude ...this year wer had everyone from michael doughlas to catherine zeta jones...elizabeth hurley...christina augilera...beyonce...linda evangalista...richard gere ...pierce brosnan .....steven segal comin just for vacationing ...not to mention half a dozen international bands perform to packed crowds from sting to pink floyd to michael learns to rock . sorry bro .....there are no comparisons . now if you want authentic international website figures for tourism ...for all the celebs that visited india ......or how huge bollywood is gettin ....then lets do it . lets play this game to the end dude....everything from foriegn investment to lifestyle ..from economics to politics...from tourism to bollywood ....anything u say .
Posted 29 Oct 2005

sheena says
well goa also reminds me about the fact that just last year the bourne supremacy was shot there and everyone was there including matt damon . right now there are atleast three international crews shooting there including salman khan 's hollwood venture marigold.
Posted 29 Oct 2005

*Baby* says
jjpr where do you get all your bs from? You make no sense!
Posted 30 Oct 2005

wow people chill lol
u guys r writin like essays
Posted 31 Oct 2005

*Baby* says
Posted 31 Oct 2005

valandrian says
Posted 17 May 2018

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