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Why is there so much homosexuality in Pakistan?
Posted 20 Oct 2005

new_beau says
R u here on this forum only to ask this ???
Posted 20 Oct 2005

JJpr, ya r asking tought questions. For problems this large and complicated, host of factors work behind seans. Solutions are not simple either.

In general, desires have taken control of mind and soul.
Posted 20 Oct 2005

new_beau says
I just cant understand....

Pakistan say Problem kiya hay sub logonn ko...Jahan GAY aur LESBIAN qanooni taur per rehtay hainn...Jahan is UN NATURAL sh*t baat ki khuli ijazat hay ..uss taraf koi nahin bolta....

Pehlay Mukhtara Mayee waali baat ko lay ker sub boltay rahay...

Ab yeh apni Noyeeyat ka Pehla Incident hua hay Pakistan mainn tou Pakistan Phir Khabronn mainn...

Posted 20 Oct 2005

ashkhan says
na i dnt agree. humans have disabilities and not being able to feel attraction towrds the opp gender, is a disability.

i dontt think anyone would want to b a homo, jus they have been made with feelings that way. i know who wish they were like everyone else, but cant help it, even females. i.e. look at mental disorders they are ppl with feelings made a certain way.

not only in pakistan, there r gays in western contries, more than u can imagine, and u cant even telll if they r.

i think we as humans r very wrong in not accepting ppl with this diability, they r humans, and they shouldnt b treated any different.

even the quran says there r ppl with dis abilities, who we as reg ppl should accept and not discriminate aginst.
Posted 20 Oct 2005

ashkhan, there is no prrof of your statement. its just a theory which has no emprical grounds.

Child molesters are disable, rapists are disabled and.... they are criminals. their behaviors are unacceptable and they should be corrected and not allowed to prey upon innocent children, women and even men.
Posted 21 Oct 2005

maryam. says
who cares?
let it be.
Posted 21 Oct 2005

I don't blame yah maryam, but when you have children and someone molests them, you would certainly care.
Posted 21 Oct 2005

BadShaH1 says
everyone is a homo somewut.
Posted 21 Oct 2005

maryam. says
molests them?
what do you mean smooth?
Posted 21 Oct 2005

mmja says
est ho ya best pak is best
or usa jitna sharif hai pata hai
Posted 21 Oct 2005

nikama says
badshah&n.b r right.homo is a global phenomenon,as old as perhaps the human beings r.where ever there r humans,there will be virtues and vices too.pakistan is no exception.
Posted 21 Oct 2005

jjpr says
new_beau said:

R u here on this forum only to ask this ???

Sorry is there a problem understanding my question?

People may not a have a problem with Pakistan as much as Pakistan is a problem in itself. Pakistan was created for Islam to be be practised in the correct way, yet it seems like many have fallen away from the real purpose that the forefathers shed their blood for. Pakistanis are fast moving away from Islam and towards Haram things. Homosexuality seems to be very prevalent and this disgusting problem must be eradicated through education and if necessary by punishment as in Shariah.

Although some and very few homos admit that there condition is a disability or whatever you want to call it, A large majority do not. This is largely due to the increasing spread of devilish statements like "its ok" or "live and let live" or that we "should accept it".
And until a person admits he has a problem then its very hard to cure them.
Posted 21 Oct 2005

ashkhan says
homo dont accept being homo cus they rnt criminal so have no other choice to accept what they are. sd brova i totally disagrre with u, what is a disability?

a disability is when a human being is unable to make reg choices and live a reg life. and in this case they r disabled cos they r unable to live a reg life and make reg choices cos they have been made to function that way. it is proven by psycologists that it is infact a disability of a much smaller level.

phycos etc.. are diabled and perform criminal activitiess,that is why they r wrong.

yes islam condems homo beings, but that is not to say that ppl like that dont exist. and if they do they why cant we accept them. cos islam also says accept every human being they r just like you. u dont need to encourage it or live with ppl like that or ebven like them , but accept that they r human beings.

sd brova sometimes u r rite, but at times u come acroos as being too extreme, not i i agree with it or have to live with it but thats who u r and we all accept u for it.

dont eve doubt my knowledge of islam, cos my parents are very knowledgable. in my city they r known for teir islamic knowledge and references, while being moderate muslims. my mum says that too.
Posted 21 Oct 2005

jjpr said:

Why is there so much homosexuality in Pakistan?

is there?
Posted 22 Oct 2005

BadShaH1 says
Posted 22 Oct 2005

BadShaH1 says
ash wuts REGULAR
its a term
which can be altered of its meanings.
Posted 22 Oct 2005

BadShaH1 says
so the changes are viewed as disabilities?
Posted 22 Oct 2005

BadShaH1 says
yes we r not sticking to the one thing that should hold us together.But homoness is abundant in the uneducated density.
its not due to the ITS OK or LIVE LIFE statements
Posted 22 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis says
ashkhan said:

i think we as humans r very wrong in not accepting ppl with this diability, they r humans, and they shouldnt b treated any different....

You're right, gays shouldn't be treated any differently, after all at the end of the day what someone's sexual preferance is, is no one's buisness and it's shallow to judge someone based on their sexuality. I disagree with you one point though, it's not a disability, it's persuing desires which are haram.
Posted 23 Oct 2005

BadShaH1 says
SALL said:

so funny !!!!
the way some of u think

(im not talking abt jj)

whos jj
Posted 23 Oct 2005

Ashii says
Posted 23 Oct 2005

Badal says
jjpr said:

Why is there so much homosexuality in Pakistan?

In pak? As many others pointed out, I will also ask how homox can be connected to "pak"? Being created for Islam does not mean it should necesarily be free from crimes, is it? It only means such crimes wont be allowed here, and they will be punished, and not that there will be no crime.

So much? Can you expalain how much? You listened to an incident and immediately started questioning why is there "so much" homox in pak, huh!! And by the way, there is also much robbery, murders etc, but no one has time to think about it. What seems "fanciful" we immediately starting questioning about it, its ridiculous.

ashkhan said:

na i dnt agree. humans have disabilities and not being able to feel attraction towrds the opp gender, is a disability.

i dontt think anyone would want to b a homo, jus they have been made with feelings that way. i know who wish they were like everyone else, but cant help it, even females. i.e. look at mental disorders they are ppl with feelings made a certain way.

not only in pakistan, there r gays in western contries, more than u can imagine, and u cant even telll if they r.

i think we as humans r very wrong in not accepting ppl with this diability, they r humans, and they shouldnt b treated any different.

even the quran says there r ppl with dis abilities, who we as reg ppl should accept and not discriminate aginst.

ashkhan said:

homo dont accept being homo cus they rnt criminal so have no other choice to accept what they are. sd brova i totally disagrre with u, what is a disability?

a disability is when a human being is unable to make reg choices and live a reg life. and in this case they r disabled cos they r unable to live a reg life and make reg choices cos they have been made to function that way. it is proven by psycologists that it is infact a disability of a much smaller level.

phycos etc.. are diabled and perform criminal activitiess,that is why they r wrong.

yes islam condems homo beings, but that is not to say that ppl like that dont exist. and if they do they why cant we accept them. cos islam also says accept every human being they r just like you. u dont need to encourage it or live with ppl like that or ebven like them , but accept that they r human beings.

sd brova sometimes u r rite, but at times u come acroos as being too extreme, not i i agree with it or have to live with it but thats who u r and we all accept u for it.

dont eve doubt my knowledge of islam, cos my parents are very knowledgable. in my city they r known for teir islamic knowledge and references, while being moderate muslims. my mum says that too.

Chandramuki said:

ashkhan said:

i think we as humans r very wrong in not accepting ppl with this diability, they r humans, and they shouldnt b treated any different....

You're right, gays shouldn't be treated any differently, after all at the end of the day what someone's sexual preferance is, is no one's buisness and it's shallow to judge someone based on their sexuality. I disagree with you one point though, it's not a disability, it's persuing desires which are haram.

Oh GOD! May Allah save us from these devilish beliefs. I ignored you several times but i think both of you need some treatment. Is it a disablity? "it is proven by psycologists"? where are these "psycologists"? Is there any psycologists greater than Allah? Bring him here. These "psycologists" must be homos themselves i think. And you are reminding us of Quran {even the quran says there r ppl with dis abilities, who we as reg ppl should accept and not discriminate aginst}. Start searching from the first Ayah and show me a single Ayyah which say they are dsiable and should be treatet nicely. Let me break your bubble of "humanity" myself, open up Quran, surah Aaraf and see:

7:80 We also (sent) Lut: He said to his people: "Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you?

7:81 "For ye practise your lusts on men in preference to women : ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds."

7:82 And his people gave no answer but this: they said, "Drive them out of your city: these are indeed men who want to be clean and pure!"

7:83 But we saved him and his family, except his wife: she was of those who legged behind.

7:84 And we rained down on them a shower (of brimstone): Then see what was the end of those who indulged in sin and crime!

Amazing, Allah didnt feel any mercy for these "disable" homos, and destroyed the whole of the nation of Prophet Lut! Allah must be cruel and devoid of any mercy for his own creatures (just like us?) to do that to them. Really, is He? Can you dare saying that while still being a Muslim? Answer me now, both of you (specially ashkhan you are proud of your parents being very knowledgeable, show me your own knowledge).

And chandramuki, {after all at the end of the day what someone's sexual preferance is, is no one's buisness} it wont be your business perhaps, because its a Muslims's business. If you are a Muslims then let me show what is your business:

"Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors." Al-Imran [3:110]

And there hunderds of Ayaat ordering us to stop evil and punish the criminal to make the Islamic society clean of these evils. Have any any verse in support of your (evil) beliefs? Dont hesitate, show me, maybe it increases my knowledge.
Posted 23 Oct 2005

ashkhan says
sorry brov if i offended u. put it behind us an move on. i said that u sound like u hate these ppl, islam also says dont hate. everyone is entitled to their opinion. and amy allah give hidayat to all.

if u ever get a hnce to come across a homo, then do talk to them to find out what kind of ppl they are. may lead u to think otherwise.

peace to all, n u badal bhai.

not saying anymore.
Posted 24 Oct 2005

BadShaH1 says
id like to hear frm ya
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis says
AshKhan has put across what I would have said too, to your post Badal.

I have had gay and tranvis teachers, their sexuality never affected the way they teached (or acted) or made them any different from any other teacher. I mean I'm not homophobic, I genuinely don't care what anyone is. btw it's wrong to assert your beliefs on someone, the chances are that a gay person has already heard that they will be damned etc. I rather concentrate my efforts elsewhere else than on convincing them to change their sexuality.
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Badal says
I would say to both of you, that i or anyone else didnt deny that they "humans", they are, but like other criminals and sinners. and punishment is for humans, is it for animals? huh!

=>{I have had gay and tranvis teachers, their sexuality never affected the way they teached (or acted) or made them any different from any other teacher} - I know these homos are just like normal people like other humans, like rappers, like robbers, like molesters, and everyone else.How could it justifies you views of "permitting them the homox" while you can permit a rapper, a molester, a robber etc to do their henous crimes?

We have sympathay for everyone as a human being, including these sinners. But Allah orders us that this sympathy should hinder in applying Allah's order on them and punish them (all sinners). "You genuinely don't care what anyone is", but we do care for it because its Allah's command. At least a true Muslim do care.

I recommend both of you toget some knowledge of relegion before indulging in such matters, or it may lead to the corruption of your faith.
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis says

oh please - there is a major differance between a rapist or criminal and a homosexual, why are you comparing them? in essence criminals hurt people and someone having sex in the privacy of their bedroom is not making anyone a victim or looting anyone.
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis says
to answer the original question of this thread, there is increased homosexuality in pakistan because of the moral decay of the society (which links in with your comments on how unpak pakistan is in the other tread).
Posted 24 Oct 2005

BadShaH1 says
dont think abt character when u talk of the collective society, talk about discipline n development, cuz it seems first we have to aply a decent economic condition n then any rules to better the moral values.
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Badal says
Chandramuki said:

oh please - there is a major differance between a rapist or criminal and a homosexual, why are you comparing them? in essence criminals hurt people and someone having sex in the privacy of their bedroom is not making anyone a victim or looting anyone.

I am going to suspect you mental health now. where is the differene between a raper and a homo? who said raping always hurts? the same act but with same sex, where is the difference?

Denying the truth wont falsify the truth.
Posted 24 Oct 2005

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