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rawalpindi, Pakistan
topic is very very serious,dry and boring,but plz do come and discuss it.quake has come and gone but its aftershocks will keep us shaking for very long and not only in terms of tremors but also in terms of our strategic interersts in the region.there is a debate going on in the informed circles of pindi isb.that perhaps hum log kashmir se to almost hath dho bethay hain.america always wanted to keep its hold on kashmir due to its geo-strategic importance.and now our master and commander is very much present here in the garb of relief work.interestingly,all other freindly states r sending thier aid in the form of cash,kind or tech.assistance.but u.s is sending all its aid in the form of military logistics,troops and choppers.our viceroy,the embassador of u.s says that u.s army would stay here as long as it seems necessary,which almost means, for good.furthermore,our old friend china and our old rival india both r very apprehensive abt deployment of u.s.troops on their it all is a very complicated situation.i have a couple of friends in print media and they tell strange theories abt what is going to happen in next couple of years in pakistan.kashmir issue it seems is almost resolved but not in the way ppl of pakistan would like it to.some even say that our nuclear arsenal is also at stake since some of the choppers that u.s is using in relif work r equipped with very sensitive monitoring and surveilance our much touted forex reserves r drying up rapidly.its certanly not a very osy picture at all.the question is,is our gov.capable of tackling so much complicated issues?
Posted 09 Nov 2005

nikama says
Posted 09 Nov 2005

new_beau says
Yes Nikamma...You are very Much Right..


Kashmir's Population..100%

50% Pakistani Kashmiri
50% Indian Kashmiri

Indian Kashmiris are not happy.
Pakistan Facilitated Kashimiris with full support. Even Pakistan Made their Own Goevrnment in Azaad Kashmir. And never said that this is Part of Pakistan.

Pakistan always just administrtively controlled Kashmir. And always said that there should PLEBSITE ACCORDING TO UN RESOLUTION.

NOW....Paksitani Kashmiri 80% DEAD.

If now UN RESOLUTION will be implemented.There will be NO ONE TO VOTE.....MAJORITY ...indian kashmiris will take the Choice. and Kashmir will go to INDIA.

SO now its impossible to do that.

So Pakistan cannot pressurise the world to fulfil UN Resolution.

What do you say ??
Posted 09 Nov 2005

Very good topic and an interesting one

Earthquake in Pakistan is more than an eye-opener for the nation. Devestations it caused exceeded proportions of small nuclear attack. It has shaken the very foundations of economy. It clearly shows how fragile country's economy is for it can't sustain a major catastrophy in remote areas, let alone, God forbid, disaster at any major economic center.

I'm not sure what you mean by US military presence in NW Pakistan. US provided much needed chopers and heavy equipment for relief work. It is not hidden from Pak military command or political leadership that such military hardware of US forces, deployed in forward war zone, are fully equipped with reconnaissance and surveilance gadgets. Desparate for aid (or an opportunity for politicians to satisfy their appetite for easy money), authorities in Pak accepted US offers.

"what is going to happen in next couple of years in pakistan.kashmir issue it seems is almost resolved but not in the way ppl of pakistan would like it to."

Do you mean Pak is conceding Kashmir to India? I don't think Pak will commit suicide. Kashmir's strategic imortance for Pakistan are more than it is for India, China or U.S. I don't really think Pak will ever compromise its very existence especially by unsecuring its borders. Pak's trade as well as military routes to China (very strategic to Pak's existence and economic survival especailly in the event of conflict with India) can not be compromised.

Politics in Pakistan are not about safegaurding Paki interests. Its mostly about power grabbing which is then used for material gains. I don't think, in-power PML, government is capable of handling such complex issues.

Military strategists and GHQ in Pak don't have confidence in corrupt civilian government or establishment when it comes to strategic defence issues. If this institution has been plagued with corruption, then there is a serious strategic crises in Pakistan.
Posted 09 Nov 2005

Ashii says
mera khyal mujeh thori si samajh i wot u want to say

but do u think our gvt really has a choice ??
they r unable to deal with such disaster without american or european help
yep there is a risk... par kya karein ??
Posted 09 Nov 2005

nikama says
n.b dear,u.n resolutions ko to we have already set aside b4 coming on table talks with they r out of question.there is a proposal,which some say has been agreed upon bu both the countries,and that is SOFT BORDERS,meaning india and pakistan will continue to old their respective parts of kashmir with some marginal changes.and kashmiris will b allowed to move freely on both sides of the india will give internal autonomy to its part.but u.s forces here r a major cause of concern.i heard yesterday that china wants to build the kaghan road and if allowed by pak gov.the job will b done by china army engineers,so china also wants to make its presence sounds too look at every helping hand suspiciously,but many many ppl in media and in army as well r saying things like that.pakistan has yet to face a greater crisis and our civilian just too corrupt to deal with it,and military command is too stupid.whenever pakistan had to deal with a crisis under a military regime,they have let us down.lets see what happens now
Posted 10 Nov 2005

new_beau says
Well Dear,

What I feel...This all Cash AID ..which is Coming will not be used for re construction. All Destroyed Areas will be given on LEASE to european and Americam companies to Built "MODEL CITIES" to rebuilt area and to promote "TOURISM"

In this way, Lot of Foriegn Investment will come into this region. People will be "HAPPY"

And after this investement both India and Pakistan will OBEY investor's Orders. to be SOFT to each others.

Regardibg Borders,,,,I think LOC will be the Border or just a slight change will be there.

Regarding CHINA plans...I dont think ...China will Do something seriously for this...Bcoz They already have Presence in GAWADAR.

I see this matter as BANDER BAANT of Pakistani and Indian Areas among America EUROPE and China.

What do you think ?
Posted 10 Nov 2005

nikama says
yes,n.b.thats what i think too.and we cant do anything abt it except discussions
Posted 12 Nov 2005

new_beau says
Haan ...sahi mainn..Magar Discuss kertay rehna chahiyey na...ta keh Humainn yeh Ehsaas rahay keh Hum zinda hainn..Aur Hamaari Awaaz bhi Zinda hay...

Posted 12 Nov 2005

nikama says
well said...bol k lab azad hain tere
Posted 14 Nov 2005

new_beau says
anYONE else to give opinion ?
Posted 15 Nov 2005

BadShaH1 says
kashmir sey hum hath dho betheinge
lagta to esey hi hey
lekin u know
when we r doing anything our master says so it doesent have to come itself here.

india ney kia kaha
key hum ney jo atom bomb sey kerna tha woh khudi ho gaya

Posted 16 Nov 2005

new_beau says
Yeh kab kaha...Aur Kis nay Kaha ????
Posted 16 Nov 2005

Posted 18 Nov 2005

~Fragi~ says
so true ... unko woh moka mil gaya hai jo waisey kabhi na milta
Posted 18 Nov 2005

>>>india ney kia kaha
>>>key hum ney jo atom bomb sey kerna tha woh khudi ho gaya

what can i say... i dont know how ppl in pak knows more about india than the indians

anyways.. i think this was a lesson given to us by nature that no borders can stop anything...

i thought that america would give loads of relief(cash) to its long time partern pakistan.. but the efforts were not up to the mark.. US has 800 helicopters in afganistan.. but it gave only 10-12 to pak .. i think the US only fools us around.. beware//
Posted 19 Nov 2005

new_beau says
NTG is right...Koi Proof hay iss Statement Ka ???
Posted 19 Nov 2005

do you need a prrof for the reality in fromt of your eyes earthquake killed and maimed people in scores and damaged properties more than a war. Whether India said it or not, its the realty on the ground.
Posted 22 Nov 2005

new_beau says
yes Thats True
Posted 22 Nov 2005

valandrian says
Posted 20 May 2018

Posted 19 Sep 2018

Posted 26 Oct 2018

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