I LOVE - - - -

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Age: 124
Total Posts: 4298
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I LOVE.....

....... Keep Scrolling


A little bit moh.....

Just a tiny bit moh...................

The name starts with an 'M'

Come on don't stop now......

Almost there........

I LOVE UMMM... Let's see what starts wid an M..... MANGOS! hahahahhahahaha [:p]
Posted 25 Mar 2003

lol... :)

Wãrm¯|¯h oƒ Løvé
Posted 25 Mar 2003

2HOT4U says
hahahah yea yea whateva, sure, dat's what you want us to think [:)]
Posted 25 Mar 2003

2HOT4U says
Posted 25 Mar 2003

2HOT4U says
Nice to knoe dat you think its nice to see see back here... wait does what I jus said make any sense to you?
Posted 25 Mar 2003

sanam411 says
hahhaahahah MANGO...........mangoo BAZIIIII.....MANGOOOOO BAZII...ahahahahahhahaha
Posted 25 Mar 2003

2HOT4U says
AH! VERY MEAN! [:(] hahahha Let's see, why don't I come here dat often no moh... Let's jus say life's been busy lately....
Posted 25 Mar 2003

2HOT4U says
Geeze Baz... Sowwy!
Posted 25 Mar 2003

2HOT4U says
ionno bout dat.... I'll try...
Posted 25 Mar 2003

2HOT4U says
Hey Zuni! Yea I knoe right! Mango Bazi, I can jus imagine it... haahhahahaha
Posted 25 Mar 2003

sanam411 says
heyy maryam...how r yaa......howz everythin.....

MANNNGGGGOOOOO BAZII...hahahahahahahhaha
Posted 25 Mar 2003

2HOT4U says
hhahahha I'm fine! How's you! We should call him Mango Bazi from now on! [:P]
Posted 25 Mar 2003

sanam411 says
imm fine thank yaa maryam....yeah i think we shoulld....MANGOO BAZI...
Posted 25 Mar 2003

2HOT4U says
Mango Bazi! Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!Mango Bazi!
Posted 25 Mar 2003

sanam411 says
:O:O:O:O:O:OO:::OO:O:.....MANGO bazi.....:O:O:O:O:
Posted 25 Mar 2003

sanam411 says
yeahh ok.....imm gonna hush upp:|:|:|:|:|:...i knoww itss very embarrasin hehehehehe...
Posted 25 Mar 2003

2HOT4U says
Posted 25 Mar 2003

sanam411 says
hahahaha bazi.....BIKINNII PICS.....uff baziii......app bhi...
Posted 25 Mar 2003

sanam411 says
aightt bazii...yes i did...app bhi...shhh!!!!..lololol
Posted 25 Mar 2003

sanam411 says
u alreadyy did..duh!!...lolll
Posted 25 Mar 2003

2HOT4U says
Gawd.. *do I realli wanna knoe what da hell dere talkin bout...?*
Posted 25 Mar 2003

sanam411 says
ayeeee baziiiii..........U CLEVER....NAHHII JEE....keh dia....:O:O:O:O:OO:
Posted 25 Mar 2003

sanam411 says
heheeh bazii...NOT ANYMORE...hehehheheh:(:(::O:O:O
Posted 25 Mar 2003

2HOT4U says
*Gawd dese ppl* *so confused*
Posted 25 Mar 2003

sanam411 says
u know what...i knoww u canntt zipp ur mouth...soo u know what imm goonnaa hush upp..:|:|:|:|: warnnna bazii...will blabber out everythin...nahi nahii ALLAH KHER..hehehehehehe:O:O:P:P:PPP::
Posted 25 Mar 2003

2HOT4U says
Posted 25 Mar 2003

sanam411 says
yes u better bee shh!! bazi...lolllllll....:P:P:P:P
Posted 25 Mar 2003

2HOT4U says
Well 2Hot4u's leavin now, so Bai!
Posted 25 Mar 2003

sanam411 says
where maryamm.......
Posted 25 Mar 2003

sanam411 says
ufff baziii....ap bhiii...stayy maryamm...plzz
Posted 25 Mar 2003

sanam411 says
BAZII...i deletedd....that pm....soo i cant...::((((
Posted 25 Mar 2003

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