Some sites were announcing that Reema Khan is going to kick off her new project after the big hit Koi Tujh Sa Kahaan but she has thrown all the rumours stating that she is planning to make a film but the script is not ready and she has no idea when the film will actually go on floor. Telling about the subject of the film she said she would agian like to make something "hatke" and different from her last try. Asking if she would play the role in her film once again she said that since the script is not ready yet she don't know about the role and if she fits the role well she would obviously do it
Age: 38
7347 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
channa sachi muchii,,, gujjar saab,,,, god plz give them some decencii to name there films like in a atractiv way but they cnt be blamed if the scripts are that thn ofcourse u can expect stupid namesss.ok channa sachi muchi main chuli chuli.....
Age: 125
7861 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
aanizdabst said:
channa sachi muchii,,, gujjar saab,,,, god plz give them some decencii to name there films like in a atractiv way but they cnt be blamed if the scripts are that thn ofcourse u can expect stupid namesss.ok channa sachi muchi main chuli chuli.....
agree with aanizdabst i mean it sounds funny dont they have any decetn names what a crap name channa sachi muchi is that a some fairy tale story
Age: 125
7649 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
well i dnt know what shes doing sometimes she says shes directing a art film then she says she directing a punjabi film and last i heard was shes producing a film to launch new directors, but nothing has gone on floors yet.
Age: 38
7347 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
ermmm wen is her loi tujhsa kaha cmmin out on dvd???????
are there like any talent promoter whom actually are promoting new talent rather then those who already exixt in the media field for examples music vdoz direcotrz and drama directorss.....
Age: 125
7649 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
aanizdabst said:
ermmm wen is her loi tujhsa kaha cmmin out on dvd???????
are there like any talent promoter whom actually are promoting new talent rather then those who already exixt in the media field for examples music vdoz direcotrz and drama directorss.....
Age: 125
7607 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Another news item regarding Reema is that she is not making a film currently but will be directing a drama seriel for a private TV Channel which will be shot in Malaysia.
The real fact is both Reema and Ajab Gul are struggling to find financiers for their next projects. Both want to big films which in turns requires a lot of investment.
This is the same reason why Javed Shiekh is struggling to complete his film even it has been nearly 3 years when he started his film.
The same also goes to the makers of Salakhain. Khalil Rana is producing a Punjabi film which won't cost us much as an Urdu film.
Even the producers of all these films have made good money from their previous films but are scared that next time what will happens when the stakes are even higher.
Why do our film makers insist on making big budget movies. They must realise the market for Pakistani films and its recovery in the local market.
The indians recup about 30% of the total investment of their film before even the film hits the Cinemas. They recup the money from audio rights, DVD/video rights, Satellite rights, and Overseas market. This is something unheard in Pakistan.
YDAKH which had a budget for 4 crore rupees and its audio rights were sold for a pathetic 10 lakhs rupees and that was a record in Pakistan.
Even more then 90% of Bollywood films flop but the Indians still have no problems in starting new films because they recover their money and also they are 10 times bigger then us which of course helps.
Our film makers should also need to control their budgets for film. Do we really need to shoot our films overseas. Can we not use our own playback singers and record the music in Pakistan. What is the use of having Indian Choreographers. We need the latest film equipment in Pakistan and also the latest film production facilites in Pakistan if our industry wants to go forward.
Its becoming a joke when our film makers are running to India or Thailand for post production.
We need to concentrate more on the basics of good film making. The biggest weak point of our films is weak scripts or we just keep on repeating the same old subjects.
Even recents films like KTSK and PPP offered nothing in terms of subjects.
Age: 125
7536 days old here
Total Posts: 559
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i agree with Mr Nice 100 percent.but Reema is surely going to start a film as mr qamar said in an interview that he is writing script 4 her these days.khalil Rana is giongto start another film as director by the name of double entry.
Age: 125
7607 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Golimoro2 you are right about Khalil Rana's film Double entry and surely Reema will start her new film once the script and music are complete. By that time she surely will find a producer for her film.
I also read in one of Reema's interwiews that she sold a plot of land and some Jewellery to finance KTSK.
Age: 38
7347 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Stupid... Stupid... Stupid... and even More STUPID... day by day our idustry which i think dnt know abt others but i think they are getting brainless freksss..... with no wer to go expect INDIA no offence to inda thou am just talkin in genrly,,, Thailand, Bangkok plzzz plzz enough of this crap... thery are not even promtoing our pakistani industryy... all they doing is gettin g other talent to be in the productions and making out that they are pakistani talnent my asss they are pakistani talentt... even our actor are trying to b sm1 else now days latly i hav seen mommer rana saab trying to be sharukh khan and there is sm1 else tooo trying to be akshy kumar aswaria rai... rani OMG plzzz cut this noncese by adapting others way of acting or living they are going away from there own true identioty... i think it was abt mommer rana or humayun saeed taht i heard they call them pakistan sharukh khan plzz why.... apni pehcan khooo rahi hai inki... what the point of being an actor when u are recignize as sm1 else but not ur self.... id kill my self ..... maybe????
its gud that ppl think taht they are g87 but comparing i really hate... this comparing s**t ruins nearly everyoes life stop this now... yehhh wat ever////wat am i sdayin its not like its gnna effect themm... they are still gnna go after other talent as dogs go to their masters wgling there tailssss...
welkl all am trying to say is that we dont really need huge budget films... all u need is a good stong scripts,, our own culture in it... our own singers,,, our own dancers but good one other then the star group they are soio crap i think i dnt knwy pppl say taht they are gudd in pakistan... there dance is like sooo stupid...
we need our own production houses in pakjistan with latest equipment and facilites which ppl hav alrdy tlkd abt but am repting again soo... we dnt relly need malaysia,, japan.... australlia,,, uk,,, bangkok as in our film location.. pakistan is a beautiful country all it need is a good eye to bring pout the true beauty of pakistan and show in our filoms to to the world... i hate thoses pplll who say WE ARE MAKING A BIG BUSGET FILM... and in the end its a big desaster hahahhaha shame oin temmmm ..... we rlly dnt need bug buget......
Age: 125
7607 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Agree with your sentiments aanizdabst. But when the latest facilties are not available in Pakistan what can you do. No one is coming forward with latest film studios or equipment. Everyone just talks in Pakistan and no action.
Even Shoaib Mansoor recently had to go to India for the processing of his film.
We have gone through this so many times on this forum but who is going to listen to us.
Both what the film industry and the TV channels are going is totally wrong.
At the end it all depends on the goverment if they are really serious in promoting Pakistan culture through the visual media and show the world the real Pakistan.
The outside world has such a negative image of Pakistan. Does our government need any other incentive. We may be a nuclear power and but we also need to become a media power and that can be done through Cinema and TV.
Our various governments have done nothing for the last 52 years and one does not expect miracles in the near future.
Age: 38
7347 days old here
Total Posts: 433
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
i agree but then our film industry should take a step them self rather then waiting to make a big film and invest all the money in that project which is going to drop flat on the ground after release they should invest that money in to buying new equipments and making our faclities bette and then go ahed and make there SO CALLED BIG BUDGET FILMS......
Age: 125
7649 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
gov. announced at the budget of 05/06 in august 05 that they are giving 20 crores to setup a lab in johar town, lahore but unfortunatly till today that 20 crores has not been handed over to the film assosiation and the politicans have kept it in there pockets or probly brought a new villa in switzerland with it.