
Age: 125
Total Posts: 714
Points: 0
Assalamuallikum people!
I need some help about a risk on whatever which creats problems in our life in the world, it can be illness or something which harms humans health.
If someone has any idea about this issue, so please reply me soon and I will be thankful of you guyz..
I have to anser some questions like
A) what makes your risk, a risk?
B) when did society recognize your risk, was a risk?
C) how does society deal with your risk?
D) your evaluation of how serious your risk is?
If anyone can answer for these questions::!!

Age: 38
7790 days old here
Total Posts: 11550
Points: 0
Police State, Pakistan
1, when it is nuksaan to me
2, greed its installed within socity from the gensis of it
3, Socity tends to ignore the usefullness of the common man, they tend to see what is of benefit to the wider group. e.g war in iraq
4, to live in the west and be a musliman has become a real discrimination point, hindu's and sikhs fit in quicker then muslimans because of our Abrahamic traditions, e.g. no drinking, no smoking ect
risk is part of life, just got to weigh up the odds