i have been off from here for a long time, beze with life anyhowz since last been on here have been to pak in nov for a week for my bro in laws wedding, also put my papers in for my husbands visa also have been beze doing a course in english and maths passed both level one and two english and now tackling maths
anyhowz its nice to be back on and just popped in to say wishing al u guys best wishes for evrything, wishing anyone who had there bday or is going to have theres also best wishes for 14 feb be it boyfrioend g friend or best friends make sure u make this day and evry other day specail filled with happines
Age: 125
6973 days old here
Total Posts: 375
Points: 0
Neutral Zone, Neutral Zone
HEY CONGRATZ, for your bro-in-law's wedding...May ALLAH give THEM a bunch of happiness in their marriage life ... And good luck for your Husband, Means for our Jeeju And also good luck for your Course workzzz
Age: 125
7311 days old here
Total Posts: 131
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
thank u gut=ys for the support ur showing, just wanyed to share thee news with my jb family cause its teh only place where pplz do not judge u and i like that, and if we are apart of this family then we shud look after each other share our experinces an dgave encourangement so that we can al sucesed in our ways and becume good human beings