Age: 125
7895 days old here
Total Posts: 610
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
lolzz..okiz,nevermind, i'll give u guys clue,yeh, by luking at my question above, there r few examples below, gota choose one of them,manzoor? shall we continue? lol ;)
1.am i the wind? 2.am i the breeze? 3.am i the gale? 4.I may be slain or i may be drowned? 5.but take good care mortals for i remain undaunted and untamed. 6.Hail storm ? 7.Cloudz ? 8.iceberg ? 9.OR snowball ?
i'm one of them,so choose and post ur answer good luck :)
Age: 80
7959 days old here
Total Posts: 2756
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Moscow, Russian Federation
well... I need another clue give some hints maybe questionnaire with multiple choicessss answerssss or just leave it blank mmm...yeh..essay....... I think I dunno
Age: 125
7895 days old here
Total Posts: 610
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
yeh pumkin jee, app key msg k uper mera msg hai jis me mene, atleast,lol, ap ko multiple answers diye hain for my above ques' hope abh thora easy ho jaea app kaliy so lets give it a try,shall pick one of the answer above, from my list,1-9!
Age: 125
7895 days old here
Total Posts: 610
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
quote:Originally posted by jupiterblue
what will I get if I can guess correctly????
errrrm, u will b blessed by ALLAH,[:D] guessing correctly will make u intelligent in my sight[:P][:P][:P][:P] no honestly u wil recieve loadss of(F) from me[;)]
aik baar sahee guess to ker k dekhiye, pehle sae gift key barre me puchlen lag gae hain, ager me bata don or na pesend aya mera gift to pir app kahan se guess keren ge islie shantee[;)], and just guess wut ever comes in ur mind,ok jee?
Age: 125
7895 days old here
Total Posts: 610
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
quote:Originally posted by jupiterblue
hehehehe... and if my guessing wrong....I'll get sin ?lol.... I choose not to answer it lol......
hahahahahahahah[:D][:D][:D] aoo my gosh, u'r sho shweet[:D] yeh sure u'll get sin, and a plus a dandaa from me, lolzzzzzz[:D][:P] hey don worry i jus wana know how cleva u r[:P][:P][:P] okis u chose to give op, that's perfetly fine to me, im not convincing u to answer wrong, it might be abit imbarising naa,it's ok i know i know dont be sorry now[:P][:P][:P]
Age: 125
7895 days old here
Total Posts: 610
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
quote:Originally posted by sweetie
okie me juz guessing :$
hail storm ?????
hey tashi yaar.. temme i m rite [;)]
HEY WOW,SWEETIE JEEE U WON THIS COMPETITION YAAR, CONGTRATZ [colored][colored][colored][colored][colored][colored][colored][colored][colored][colored][colored][colored][colored][colored][colored][colored][colored][colored][colored][colored][colored][colored][colored][colored][colored][colored][colored][colored]
AS I HAVE SAID: My step is slow = i dont often burst so easily:P the snow's my breath = i'll bring a freezy storm I give the ground a grinding death = i will make it blast :P My marching makes an end to me = storms r always makes their end into hail storm! slain by sun or drowned in sea = hail storms always drown in sea, haina? What am I? = i am a hail storm![:D]
hey im extremly sorry to other member's who have taken their full extrem guesses here[angel]. and im soo proud to have such an ennonymous guesses from every1 who have paeticipated in my competition![angel] u all have been sooo great!!!![angel] I LOVE YA'LL MY BEST WISHES TO EVERYONE! PLS DO PARTICIPATE IN MY NEXT COMING UP COMPETITION! THANKS ALOT!