Aishwarya Rai was injured in an accident when a jeep hit her. And This happened during the shooting of Rajkumar Santoshi's film 'Khakhee' that along with Aishwarya stars Amitabh Bachchan, Akshay Kumar and Tusshar Kapoor. Aishwarya was sitting on a chair and watching a scene being picturised when the jeep's driver lost control over the vehicle, which skidded and accidentally hit her. She was the taken to Mumbai's Hinduja hospital in a helicopter accompanied by her mother Vrinda Rai, Amitabh Bachchan, Akshay Kumar and Raj Kumar Santoshi. Aishwarya received a fracture in her left foot and her condition has now been described as stable.
Age: 125
8001 days old here
Total Posts: 3748
Points: 0
ohcardic aresst hh ya sure she did not had any cardic aresst when she was having fun with Salman she did not had any when she is having fun with vivek humm[:(!]... see how beautiful i am[ylinfant]
Age: 125
8105 days old here
Total Posts: 9975
Points: 0
quote:Originally posted by SaPnA
ohcardic aresst hh ya sure she did not had any cardic aresst when she was having fun with Salman she did not had any when she is having fun with vivek humm[:(!]... see how beautiful i am[ylinfant]