Sehba Mushrraf watches KTSKahan

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A few days back a special screening of Koi Tujh Sa Kahan was held at the Army Auditorium for top Army Offical wives and other government Offical wives.

First lady Begum Sehba Musharraf watched the directorial debut of Reema, Koi Tujh Sa Kahan, in the Army Auditorium. She praised the movie and congratulated the director for making such a wonderful film. "I'm pretty surprised by the quality of the film, as Reema is very young in the field of direction. I congratulate the whole team of Koi Tujh Sa Kahan for entertaining the masses with a film of high quality. I wish them good luck. I hope they will keep up the standard," said the president's wife. She also praised filmstar Moamar Rana's performance in the film.

Reema's film KTSK is also Pakistan's offical entry to the Zimbabwe film festivel to be held at the end of the month.
Posted 15 May 2006

Posted 16 May 2006

Who the hell cares about Sehba Musharaf and who cares what she watches . Ppl please post some useful informations not just junk in the forum. Thanks alot !
Posted 16 May 2006

yoyo says
Posted 17 May 2006

she got nothing to do
Posted 17 May 2006

Now it the time for sehba mushraff & Mr president to look at the poor people and our society, instead of sitting in the cinema.

Sitting in the cinema doesn’t make her vital figure, are people are starving out there, Our country is getting more corrupt and people have lost faith in mushraff regime.

It time sehba mushraff go on diet and start feeding the poor people. Wot disgrace
It time to move on before we start making film out of her

Posted 17 May 2006

yoyo says
stop crying mr.billa, im sure mr musharaf or his wife need breaks like everyone on else on this planet,

fact is corruption is going down day by day under musharaf and people have not lost faith it, pakistan is heading towards prosperity.

what you have written is for you beloved gujjars, badmash, and those thugs with big ugly mushtaches like benezir and nawa shirf, you should be proud of musharaf to kick a fat joe like nawa shirif out this country.

you people from huts in ravi will never know the facts cos you people are to illiterate, once you get education come back at look at the facts.
Posted 18 May 2006

gujjar and basmash people are defame for our country..and bad image for paki culture..
Posted 18 May 2006

paki lion says

gujjar and basmash people are defame for our country..and bad image for paki culture..

well said yoyo and standard..
Posted 18 May 2006

yoyo said:

stop crying mr.billa, im sure mr musharaf or his wife need breaks like everyone on else on this planet,

fact is corruption is going down day by day under musharaf and people have not lost faith it, pakistan is heading towards prosperity.

what you have written is for you beloved gujjars, badmash, and those thugs with big ugly mushtaches like benezir and nawa shirf, you should be proud of musharaf to kick a fat joe like nawa shirif out this country.

you people from huts in ravi will never know the facts cos you people are to illiterate, once you get education come back at look at the facts.

ur absolutely rite man i totally agree wid u and mr brave warrior and billa badmash or waht ever this is not the political forum this forum is abt pakistani movies and other entertainment related stuff and guyz r posting **** here and that indicates how educated and intelligent u guyz r.
Posted 22 May 2006

golimaro2 says
had ho gaye baat shoro kaha se hoti hai or pohanch kahan jati hai anyway Mr Nice do u have any information about Reema's upcoming project.there r rumours that she is giong to cast indian stars.
Posted 23 May 2006

golimaro2 says
i mean to say she is
Posted 23 May 2006

MR NICE says
Brave Warrior the only reason why I posted the above news item because it had been reported in a number of newspapers.

If you ever read my posts I hardly have ever posted any rubbish.

Billa Lahorite the fact is no Pakistani leader in the last 57 years has ever cared for the poor or for our beloved Pakistan. This is the reason like it or not we are in the mess we are. All our leaders have had their own self-interests at heart.

On of the biggest examples of this is our film industry. Why is it in such a mess and has being down for the last 20 years. Why with a population of over 150 million people we are incapable of making quality international films. Who has killed performing arts in our country.

At the end of the day its the incompetent leaders we have had are to be blamed. Its because of them the way we have progressed socially, culturally, economically and politically.

Golimoro2 I read about Reema's new project last week that the script is being written by 4 different writers. Once the script is complete and the music also completed then the casting will start. So far no confirmation of any Indian star in her film.

There is other Lollywood news that Javed Fazil is in India and is in dissussions with Sanjay Kapoor for a role in "Aik Din Lot Kar Ayo Ga". The shooting is going to start soon and that also in India.

Recently Shamil Khan and Zara Shiekh whilse in India for Javed Raza's Kabhi Pyar Na Karna met with a motorbike accident whilse shooting. Shamil Khan suffered injuries.

Tarap is being released on 11th August. Mohabbatan Sachchian is going to be released on Eid-ul-fitr because of Meera's non availability.

Momi Rana has also decided to direct a film. Currently the script and the music is being completed. An formal announcement will be made next month.
Posted 24 May 2006

golimaro2 says
thanks buddy 4 giving this all information
Posted 25 May 2006

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