shahrukh khan said:sall kanjoos hai doc
save ur crediet
Teen Tracker said:sms humain bhi chahye
Khushi_Khushi said:main sms send kardeti hon... line main khare hone ki bhi zarorat nahi ye hain sabkeliye....
Last night I sent an angel 2 watch over u while u were sleeping but it came back early! So I asked it why? It said that angels don't watch over other angels!
Of all the friends I've ever met. Your the one I won't forget.And if I die before you do I'll go to heaven and wait for you.
One day Friendship & Love met one-another. Love asked Friendship -"Why do You exist if I'm there?" So Friendship said -"To give a Smile to those eyes in which You leave Tears."
Höld ä trüé frìénd wìth böth yöür händs, doñt lét gö for a trüé frìend cömés öncé ìn ä lìfétìmé. Thåt's why ì'm höldìng yoü tight! Cänt lét YOÜ go.
Its not an achievement 2 make 100 FRiENDS in a Year, but an achievement is 2 make a FRiEND for 100 Years, 'N' I know I've made ONE, that's . . . YOU !!