this topic is for friends only
i got AGM comming up, (Anual General meeting)
myself and my friends were incharge of booking the eveaning party up, i wanted to take over the entertainment arrangements, but people wanted dance and trance (u know the whole eurotrash) i'am more of an RnB person but o well
i booked Fire Breathers and Chocolate fountain, my boss told me i'am good as spending money
sneeked a few passes for my friends too
what i wanna know is, i had a Brilliant idea that the next morning because i got to do wake up calls
i phoned the place where we are staying and they are fine with this. i am gona BLAST music in the morning
i was thinking more the Darkness, i believe in a thing called love
, i have been given the suggestion of Sclub reach for the stars
but i wanna know off u guys
what will be a CRULE thing to play in the morning