Wake up call

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Age: 37
Total Posts: 11550
Points: 0

Police State, Pakistan
this topic is for friends only

i got AGM comming up, (Anual General meeting)
myself and my friends were incharge of booking the eveaning party up, i wanted to take over the entertainment arrangements, but people wanted dance and trance (u know the whole eurotrash) i'am more of an RnB person but o well

i booked Fire Breathers and Chocolate fountain, my boss told me i'am good as spending money

sneeked a few passes for my friends too

what i wanna know is, i had a Brilliant idea that the next morning because i got to do wake up calls

i phoned the place where we are staying and they are fine with this. i am gona BLAST music in the morning

i was thinking more the Darkness, i believe in a thing called love , i have been given the suggestion of Sclub reach for the stars

but i wanna know off u guys

what will be a CRULE thing to play in the morning
Posted 15 Jun 2006

Ashii says
ok basanti
i wont ever call ya basanti
Posted 15 Jun 2006

Asian says
Posted 15 Jun 2006

Ashii says

btw,, wots ur name
i always call ya asian
Posted 15 Jun 2006

Asian says

my mommy named me

my dad was gona call me Sarah.

but my mommy said firah because it diffrent

it's Arabic for Light in Darkness
Posted 15 Jun 2006

Ashii says
oooo shweeeeeet

lemme think for ur nick
u know wot,, u always make me think of my cousin in uk
Posted 15 Jun 2006

Asian says

well here are some

Steve my college friend calls me S**g Bunny
My bro likes to call me Pudge
my workers call me Foxy
My boss calls me Ferrari
and the girls from the GYM call me Cathy (zeta jones, because they want me to cut my hair, its too long they were saying , i was thinking about it, but then my friends said pakistani girls with long hair looks hot)
Posted 15 Jun 2006

Ashii says
i opted for PUDGyyyyyyyyyy
Posted 16 Jun 2006

Asian says
Freddy said:

oyeee jugtaaan

app hoveen gey mooti makhi


i don't have friends so you can't compare

shakul deeki apnie
Posted 16 Jun 2006

Asian says
SALL said:

i opted for PUDGyyyyyyyyyy

he says it as "PUDGEEYAYA"
Posted 16 Jun 2006

Ashii says
freddy k paas apni shakal dekhna ka time nahi hai

that s a nice nick pudgeeeyya
Posted 16 Jun 2006

Asian says
Posted 16 Jun 2006

Ashii says
Posted 16 Jun 2006

Asian says
Sall whats your real name?

and whats your nick name
Posted 16 Jun 2006

Ashii says
ahem ahemmm
im real name s AISHA S.H.
real nick,, ashii or ash or shh

sall is my hubby's nick
Posted 16 Jun 2006

Asian says

i call u BOBO
Posted 16 Jun 2006

valandrian says
Posted 20 Apr 2018

Posted 21 Sep 2018

Posted 30 Oct 2018

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