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Shahrukh Khan

Age: 124
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
honeyyyyyyyy how are you?? what u doing these days? where is ur ehmmmmmmmmm hows life?? be happy always
Posted 20 Jun 2006

LiL_DollY says
Teen Tracker said:

LiL_DollY said:

Teen Tracker said:

I love USA

come come and visit

u forgot I have visited dats y i am saying it

I know youve been here
Im saying come again

but on da west time
this time

so I cna see mr t
Posted 11 Jul 2006

LiL_DollY said:

Smooth_daddy said:

its cool wid me, it all depends on the significant
other - you know how it goes

what do yah say about big bear?

thats what Im trying to figure out.

HE doesnt know about da forums

I never told him.

so now Im stuck.

YOur coming with the whole family right?

Oh...Bro gimmie an idea...

without bringing forums into it.

Your not stuck by any means - I don't havta visit yah.

Yes, I am going with my family, actually driving via Grand Canyon. I am leaving next week but won't get there b4 1st.

for idea: remember we know the same guy from ur town. Howz that for non-forum intro
Posted 18 Jul 2006

LiL_DollY says
Smooth_daddy said:

LiL_DollY said:

Smooth_daddy said:

its cool wid me, it all depends on the significant
other - you know how it goes

what do yah say about big bear?

thats what Im trying to figure out.

HE doesnt know about da forums

I never told him.

so now Im stuck.

YOur coming with the whole family right?

Oh...Bro gimmie an idea...

without bringing forums into it.

Your not stuck by any means - I don't havta visit yah.

Yes, I am going with my family, actually driving via Grand Canyon. I am
leaving next week but won't get there b4 1st.

for idea: remember we know the same guy from ur town. Howz that for
non-forum intro

are we speaking of the imam

Posted 18 Jul 2006

Posted 18 Jul 2006

LiL_DollY says
kya huwa Khan???

when you coming????
Posted 18 Jul 2006

basketball player
Posted 18 Jul 2006

LiL_DollY says
bro now you confusing me
Posted 18 Jul 2006

come on dolly, we talked about the guy who played for Sacramento
Posted 18 Jul 2006

LiL_DollY says
ahem *kings*

but thats impossible bro

Posted 18 Jul 2006

ok, so what wld u say?
Posted 18 Jul 2006

LiL_DollY says
Smooth_daddy said:

ok, so what wld u say?

Id just meet you at a gas station

say salam and escape
Posted 18 Jul 2006

LiL_DollY says
But honestly Im a nervous wreck
and scared as heck

What if somehow you know me
and I know you
but we just dont know it
Posted 18 Jul 2006

I hate to put you through that. let's not worry about it altogether. Stay put and keep it the way it is
Posted 18 Jul 2006

LiL_DollY says
BUT I wanna seeeeeee yah!

I hate these mixed feelings!

You know what

your sweet
a good friend
a great bro
your devoted
and cautious

and you have so many good qualities
I would drive myself nuts if I never saw you

Posted 18 Jul 2006

thanks for your kind words, but I don't think its really that important. Important is integrity of your consience and your household.
Posted 18 Jul 2006

LiL_DollY says
BHai....your pulling my strings

What would your fammily think of me????
Posted 18 Jul 2006

I don't know    but regardless of that, I think we should put it off.
Posted 18 Jul 2006

I have to go, I have an appointment. I'll be back in an hour or so. c ya
Posted 18 Jul 2006

LiL_DollY says
okiieee take care
have fun

and be good!
Posted 18 Jul 2006

what's fun in watching your car mechanic fixing break pads in 105 deg temp
Posted 19 Jul 2006

LiL_DollY says
umm bro the fun part is

Posted 19 Jul 2006

and that I have pay him a ton
Posted 19 Jul 2006

LiL_DollY says
Hey on the bright side

he's making money for his family

he has to eat somehow 2

its all good bro!
Posted 19 Jul 2006

you always see the brighter side of the pic
Posted 19 Jul 2006

LiL_DollY says
I try Bro!
Posted 19 Jul 2006

keep it up
Posted 20 Jul 2006

LiL_DollY says
IM gonna try to rub off some postiveness on you 2
Posted 20 Jul 2006

bring it on
Posted 20 Jul 2006

LiL_DollY says
I like your challenges

Posted 20 Jul 2006

cutefriend says
Posted 21 Jul 2006

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