I wanna meet you...out in the open. I wanna meet you without having
fear in my heart of others and what desi rumors they would start.
I wanna see you. N I want you too see me too. I miss you lots.
Unbelieveably too much.
The friendships I share are are friendships so strong bounded by love
and care. And untouched my own biases and judgements of people. (you
might be able to relate.)
I wish I could stand right next to you. Look upto you and your pretty eyes.
I wish we could laugh and crack jokes with each other. I wish we could
hug each other. I wish we could wipe away tears and them stupid fears.
Couldnt we be careless???
I wish
this could feel more real than is it. I wish this jb fantasy was a reality.
Why couldnt UnclE Cf BE Real
Why COuldnt Queenie BE CLoser
FRAnkie (I miss him...dont know here he went)
Why Couldnt Sohni Kuddi Be the girl next door.
WHy is it that
My days couldve been filled with laughter
if only *ASIAN* had been my side kick.
WHy is is that I cant sit and enjoy
my friends voices...they add a touch to reality.
Jbs feeling like more and more of a dream.
It wouldve been fun to go to the movies
with *SHUJA BRO*
Or...SImply hang With MR. KHAn
and poke at him...and bug him
just to get a smile out of him.
Mr. T~I could actually see MR. QT (cutie)...haha

And If *MC* was around...
Id Love to stand next to him
and BAng him in the head
every time he cursed
What if we all jb folks sat in one room
in one big circle
and had live threads
how interesting that would be
maybe then jb folks would realize Im actually a lil
shy and once I get comfortable...then I might come out of my shell.
My one wish to meet everyone on JB sometime in my life...
under all good and acceptable circumstances.

LOVE you ALL...You rock my world