
Age: 125
Total Posts: 218
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Well its out on dvd now.
The film is not that bad. First time i watched it I thought is that it. But I saw it again then I started to like it. The acting is fine and the songs are good. The plot was mind blowing but it would do.
PROS. The quality of the picture is outstanding its better than ydakh and the sound is good.
CONS. Veena malik saying sir gets right on your nerves.
First half of the film reema is laughing second half crying. Some ppl mind find it boring.
Overall I think reema has done a fine work hope she has another novie in the pip line. score 8 / 10

Age: 125
6798 days old here
Total Posts: 4
Points: 0
Asslamu alikum! readers, first of all I must clear that I am not reviewing the movie, We all know that KTSK is Reema's wonderfull contribution for our film industry.
Please read the review carefully b4 going to get your copy. The DVD/VCD is out in market but a real time upset. Basically after "Salakhain" released by GEO, I was xpecting KTSK to be released by GEO, & if they have realsed, it would have digital print.
But unfortunatly it is released by Moviebox UK (in both UK & PK) & distributed by local distributors in Pakistan.
The Quality is very low, its not at all origninal DVD/VCD. They have followed the
same old Pakistani film industry culture. Instead of releasing orignal digital
print exposed for mini screens they have recorded the movie in CINEMA & released it.
I really dont know, when our filmi people will release that if they have invested
to exposed the digital prints, why not they release on DVD/VCD's . There is not a single special feature in DVD. The VCD format of that CINEMA RECORDED print is compressed badly, so the noise constantly interupts.
Such bad release of DVD/VCD is of no use. So If n e person can tell this to Reema or other associated persons...so do tell them.
Please, now we should add special feature in DVD's atleast.
Here I must add one interesting thing, that local distributors have added the
teaser of stupid valgut punjabi stage drama in mid of the movie, thats really again discusting factor of DVD/VCD.
I have xperienced this in PK, if n e one has views he must add here.
I have shown KTSK in CINEMA to around 25-30 people with me, to let them c the quality product by Reema Khan, But still i need to show that many thats y I was waiting for its DVD/VCD release, but such bad release can not serve my plans.