Age: 125
Total Posts: 51848
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
I bequeathed everything in the name of love and lost it
I found love and then lost it
I don’t want to cry but I cry
I pick out happiness and suppress tears
I have become one lonely guy
I think about how I can smile
Every night I drown in these thoughts
I don’t know what kind of punishment this is
She was faithless, without any reason she lost the love she had received/found
She never thought about what would happen to me
In life darkness is awoken every where and the morning is sleeping
how can I move forward says my heart
tears are finished from my eyes, dampness is left
even the rain pricks me like thorns
I have started to detest red flowers
I await the arrival of an angel from the sky
Who will tell me the truth, I did not know it
Who was she
sleep never took her out of my dreams, she never left my sight
she was yesterday, she is still today
what is her name, some one tell me
she lives in flowers, she talks to the wind
she does not talk in words but she smiles
the color of which butterfly, whose love is she
some one tell me
in every mirror is just her image
in every tune is just her song
eye lashes don’t drop, breathing stops
in day it is rain, at night it is blazing fire
what spectacle / sight is this, some one tell me
she came as if from the sky
don’t know what was in her eyes
my heart flowed over to her feet
who is this angel, I am unaware / unknowing of her
finally some one tell me
I remember you every moment, every time
Your smiling in dreams, meeting me face to face
amusing my heart, telling me every thing
Those eyes will no longer see me
I can’t believe it
You will never return
thinking this is a dream I make myself happy
we could not live without each other
we used to talk after every quarrel
we would apologize and then laugh
but now I am crying
I have become one lonely soul
I find you in every girl
In every sound I hear your voice
I see the moon go down, I see the moon rise
I have the hope that some day you will definitely come
my love, my arms will always be waiting for you
First, this is first love for us my Angel
this is the first meeting,
what the eyes are saying is what is being said
when you stay awake all night long,
first, this is first love for us
when there is no control over the heart