Its the things unsaid you see. the things that hurt you deep inside. U hurt soo much but no one can see it, care to see it and u dont want them to either. They can sure feel it but still no one can help you. The thins people want others to assume. The things peoples just keep in their hearts .They jus imagine you know them . Stuff said and done and shown can be compensated. You can apologize, show by your behaviour that you do realize you mistake, that you know where it all went wrong but when people decide to just shut you out that is when you feel totaly helpless, your world shattered around you .It seems you cant even breath right but that dont matter no more. You dont get the reply you are waiting for, no phone calls no letters no nothing .And you sit alone in your room at nights unable to sleep just trying to stop the tears obscuring your vision of the images of utmost happiness. But then you just couldnt beat your ego for a moment to accept that it was all your fault. Yes i am proud. Yes i am rude. Yes i am the way i am. But how would you know if there ever was a fault if nothing is said .Its hard sometimes u know , to jugde things, beahaviours, how people act and react . What if there is nohing but its just you who are feeling so down and out you make a lot out of nothing . Still ,for a short while , but it hurts Deep inside. And you cant even cry.
Age: 125
8111 days old here
Total Posts: 4129
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alrite i cant understand why people try to piss me off i try so hard to be polite and nice and good and have manners and nont diss u but no no way can they just keep their shitty selves to themselves they have got to poke in everything thats none o their bbusniess.............i mean....u know i can hurt U big time..u know i have broken bottles on ma hand..u know i broke ma fingers maself.......u know i put ma ciharettes on ma arm........u know im a freak.......but no U JUST CANNOT GET IT CAN u...........STAY AWAY FROM ME........AND WHAT IS MINE.......STAY f**kING AWAY........f**k ass**** THE only reason u still are here iz cuz of wat i was asked to do..........damnman damn why cant u just fuking take it in and sod u think i dont know where u live........wqhere u come from.......about ur crew bitch ass guts?