
Age: 125
Total Posts: 346
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
The movie revolves around a Pakistani young man (Shaan) who goes to the United States of America for higher education. During his study years, the tragic event of 9/11 takes place where the World Trade Center is turned into dust. In a long array of investigations and arrests, the young man gets arrested by the American authorities. The experiences of the young man are shown in this movie. There are plenty of other issues that are highlighted in this film. Iman Ali makes her cinema debut with this film, and enacts the character of a Pakistani-Briton. Austin Sayre, an American, also makes her film debut and plays Shaan's wife while living in America .The young music prodigy Ahmed Jahanzeb scores the soundtrack for the film.
Fawad (member of the rock band Entity Paradigm)
Iman Ali (Pakistani model)
Naseeruddin Shah
Austin Marie Sayre (An American Actress)

Age: 38
7348 days old here
Total Posts: 433
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
but the thing is if the film is in the making let it finsih first by talking abt the film over n over again on same topic and stuff... well its makiin me loss interst in the film coz every time u come on the fourm theer is always the same thing going on abt the same movie over n over agin... let it finish first nd then we will see the results.... if no one agrees with me ... i dotn care.... my mind ...no offecne thou...