Mid-life crisis Hit Dolly

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Age: 125
Total Posts: 13322
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United States, United States
a decade earlier...lolz

n e ways

Smooth Bro (ur right), Cf, n Khan thxz

asian, and sohnikuddi
waiting to hear from yah!

miss yah guys

I could use a big hug

I wanna be held
Posted 30 Sep 2006

Posted 30 Sep 2006

cutefriend says
LiL_DollY said:

a decade earlier...lolz

n e ways

Smooth Bro (ur right), Cf, n Khan thxz

asian, and sohnikuddi
waiting to hear from yah!

miss yah guys

I could use a big hug

I wanna be held

a big hug dolly jeeeeee

   yeh bahut bari ha
Posted 30 Sep 2006

LiL_DollY says

I dont know what to do???

If I wanna leave him

or be with him

for the rest of my life

(I feel like I dont love him).

IM scared!
Posted 30 Sep 2006

cutefriend says
oooo hoooooo
don be scared

i doonooo him but
i think u cant leave wid out him

so dont be scared just wait GOD will help u in a better way to wat to do
and stop cryingggggggggggg
Posted 30 Sep 2006

Asian says
Posted 01 Oct 2006

cutefriend says
woh wait keroo ab dolly ka
Posted 01 Oct 2006

Doly do what ur heart says and see what is better for u and ur probs will solve automatically
Posted 01 Oct 2006

LiL_DollY said:


I dont know what to do???

If I wanna leave him

or be with him

for the rest of my life

(I feel like I dont love him).

IM scared!

I don't know why I had the feeling

Did you base your first decision on feelings too

If you did, then don't repeat that mistake.

Its far more complex than most people can imagine. Let me know if I can help.
Posted 02 Oct 2006

LiL_DollY says
Asian said:


Posted 05 Oct 2006

LiL_DollY says
Teen Tracker said:

Doly do what ur heart says and see what is better
for u and ur probs will solve automatically

heart peh koy barosay nahi hai

stupid heart

stupid mind

always making life harder
Posted 05 Oct 2006

LiL_DollY says
Smooth_daddy said:

LiL_DollY said:


I dont know what to do???

If I wanna leave him

or be with him

for the rest of my life

(I feel like I dont love him).

IM scared!

I don't know why I had the feeling

Did you base your first decision on feelings too

If you did, then don't repeat that mistake.

Its far more complex than most people can imagine. Let me know if I can

When I made my desicion to be with him
it was mroe like blackmail
fmaily talked me into it.

I had no other choice...
they took my whole life away from me.

I wanted to go to college...
so I played along...

and this is where i am now

a dead end!

Posted 05 Oct 2006

LiL_DollY says
He's a nice guy
everythings cool

I jsut dont love him.

I still feel empty inside.

and you always think
oh maybe we'll get to know each other
and our lvoe will grow

but it doesnt work that way.

I feel like were jsut friends...
and he knows that I dont feel the
same way about him as he does about me.

Posted 05 Oct 2006

cutefriend says
Dolly dear
GOD will help u
and dont be sad
we r here na 4 u

INSHALLAH a u'll get the perfect soloution


Posted 05 Oct 2006

LiL_DollY says
Posted 05 Oct 2006

nikama says
LiL_DollY said:

When I made my desicion to be with him
it was mroe like blackmail
fmaily talked me into it.

I had no other choice...
they took my whole life away from me.

I wanted to go to college...
so I played along...

and this is where i am now

a dead end!

well,dolly,i think best policy in this kind of situation
is to gain more time.try to delay the decision and besides although i dont think i'm close enough to give u any suggestion or advice,still i would say if the problem is just that u dont luv him and otherwise he is nice and responsible and smart u should atleast give it a thought....
i mean luv is not such a great issue as media has made us to believe.
Posted 05 Oct 2006

cutefriend says
LiL_DollY said:


Posted 05 Oct 2006

LiL_DollY says

no rushing

Im taking it easy
Posted 06 Oct 2006

cutefriend says
LiL_DollY said:


no rushing

Im taking it easy


thats gud
Posted 06 Oct 2006

LiL_DollY said:

Smooth_daddy said:

LiL_DollY said:


I dont know what to do???

If I wanna leave him

or be with him

for the rest of my life

(I feel like I dont love him).

IM scared!

I don't know why I had the feeling

Did you base your first decision on feelings too

If you did, then don't repeat that mistake.

Its far more complex than most people can imagine. Let me know if I can

When I made my desicion to be with him
it was mroe like blackmail
fmaily talked me into it.

I had no other choice...
they took my whole life away from me.

I wanted to go to college...
so I played along...

and this is where i am now

a dead end!

sorry to know that dolly   

You made one wrong decision, alright! but don't make another wrong decision. Staying in the situation or getting out of it could be a wrong decision. Balance the harms and benefits of both. None of these options come with all good.
Posted 09 Oct 2006

LiL_DollY says
THeres pros and kans to everything

Im scared to leave

and scared 2 stay

and I dont want kids yet

and he wants kids

IM frustrated
Posted 09 Oct 2006

you bet, its scary.
once you make your move, its never the same again and you can't hit the back button either.

Having or not having kids could be helpful but there is no one answer to this situation. There are no quick fixes or drive thru solutions to household problems. I can tell you this much my lil sis and save this if you think it has some value:

Buthchers use cleaver to cut but his cut is forever and the damage is permanent, its benefit is for limited consumation. A surgeon cuts too with even a sharper knife. But this cuts smaller incisions for precision work and to save life. The point here is, never use a cleaver when you can correct a problem with a scalpel; don't do surgery when medicine alone can cure the ill.
Posted 11 Oct 2006

LiL_DollY says
^But bro I've tried everything to make this work.

I've put my hardest into it. IM jsut not feeling the relationship. I feel so
sad...inside...it kills me. I cried one day when I came home from school
wishing mom was home...and some cooked food. Some siblings to talk

Or jsut grandma.


Its a killer when people expect you to grow up by saying: Get married
now or l8tr you have to do it someday. But why did that someday have to
be so soon.

Im taking my time. But I can say one thing. I can live with him for the
rest of my life...but be so sad inside. That if my sadness killed me
someday i wouldnt be surprised.

In general: my personality...I am a very happy and CHeerful person.
Always hyper and on top of the world. But it took me a while...to take my
mask off my face. I wanna be happy naturally not artificially.


Posted 12 Oct 2006

valandrian says
Posted 19 Apr 2018

Posted 21 Sep 2018

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