Lollywood latest updates

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Posted 16 Oct 2006

yoyo says
well you can visit here for it, its updated daily. asp
Posted 16 Oct 2006

taify says

Which langauage is it?
Posted 16 Oct 2006

link is not working
Posted 16 Oct 2006

cute4u says
link does nat work
Posted 17 Oct 2006

yoyo says

there is the link, just clcik on entertainment and check it out everyday.
Posted 17 Oct 2006

you cant read that
Posted 17 Oct 2006

MR NICE says
Well I can read it easily. Its in Urdu. This is one of my daily sources of info on Lollywood. Another is the daily Khabrain, and Nawaiwaqt.
Posted 17 Oct 2006

Thnx Yoyo for sharing.....
MR NICE can u plz share wid us the URL of Nawaiwaqt and Khabarain?
Posted 17 Oct 2006

yoyo says
no i cant read urdu so i am asking for you to translate what they are saying.
Posted 17 Oct 2006

MR NICE says
The links to the other newspapers are as follows: then click on showbiz.

Even I can't read the above. In today's entertainment section of the Daily Jinnah there was nothing much about Lollywood.

In the Khabrain it was reported that senior actor Habib wants to direct a film on Terrorism and he mentioned this to the Chief Minister of Punjab that one of the best ways to curb terrorism is to use the media. The script has already been completed. Habib is currently looking for funds to start his film and is hoping that the goverment might help him.

In the nawaiwaqt it is reported that Shaan is going to start directing his Punjabi film Zille Shah after Eid. Currently a huge expensive set is being designed by Tanvir Fatima.

Shaan has said its very hard to make good quality films because all the producers just want to make formula films. He further said he has a number of subjects on hand but no is willing to invest in them.

Shaan said that his film Zille Shah will be a quality film.

Lets see and wait.

Posted 17 Oct 2006

yoyo says
but there was some news about syed noor in yestodays daily jinnah it had his picture with urdu writing next to it.
Posted 18 Oct 2006

MR NICE says
That probably was yesterdays paper. I have just been to the website and it has changed to Wednesday's edition. I will see if they have a archive section.
Posted 18 Oct 2006

yoyo says
there is alsao alot of news posted here, but they are all in urdu
Posted 22 Oct 2006

valandrian says
Posted 01 Jun 2018

Posted 22 Sep 2018

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