its tommorow yO... tHey are scared. Scred of something that mite happen Scared of something muahahaha.... Tommorow im a hve some fun People working at da air port have been somehwta told not to mention it...cuz it creates Panic.,..... Less hope all goes all yo
Age: 125
8107 days old here
Total Posts: 4129
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Ok enuff of this pointless debate where people dont even know what they want to say! Anyways i just wanted to know that apart from all the death and misery brought by the 9/11, i.e if we somehow assume that nobody inocent died in the fall o twin towers, Dont u think it was kinda neccesary for something as extreme as this was BOUND to happen in order for the USA,the big C-I-A nd its literally Bongi nation to know about all the suffering and hard lives faced by the rest oi the world? Or not?
Age: 125
7862 days old here
Total Posts: 43
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Well yes we do support Brother OSAMA BIN-LADEN. Nishu u r right in saying that Death is in the hands of God, therefore God also says how you r going to die, whether it is in plane crash, bomb, etc.
And plus what evidence do u have that Osama is responsible for 9/11? No one has any evidence. If u read my other post, you will also begin to think. This incident was set up by America and the Jews, they just wanted to frame muslims and they just wanted an excuse to attack Afganistan, just like they used Saddam Hussain as an excuse to attack Iraq. In actual facts all they wanted was the oil and by the way what happened to the MASS DESTRUCTION weapons they said Sadaam had? I don't see you?