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Age: 37
Total Posts: 11550
Points: 0

Police State, Pakistan
ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH , O TERI , applying to university is so much hell . its all interview training techniques and stuffy and i just want to hug my teddy bear and throw law textbooks everywhere

so here is my personal statment:

From a young age I have been interested in how the world deals with issues from a legal
standpoint, I therefore took A level Law to gain more knowledge. I have also undertaken legal
work experience with City Council Legal Department. I found this very interesting and
furthered my interest in Law. I have taken A level English and Sociology to develop my
research skills. This has allowed me to develop key skills such as Advocacy and Public
Speaking. I have also learned to work with different people at different levels. Law has been
part of my family background for many years. My uncle is a qualified full time magistrate.
For many years he has been telling me about some of the cases he has tried, for example a
burglar broke into a home and was shot. This caused conflict as the defendant was British.
Cases such as these have encouraged my interest in the legal system. I wish to obtain a Law
degree to go into legal practice.

I am currently working on a consultation between young people and the police to be submitted
to the Welsh Assembly in regard to a report (Our Rights Our Story) on young people's services
which will then be given to the United Nations in regard to the U.N.C.R.C. (United Nations
Convention on the Rights of the Child). From this I have been able to see how Law on
different levels affects our everyday life and its importance and relevance. I work part time
for a varity of agencies such as the Welsh Assembly Government, I am vice president of
my Youth Council and President of the Students union at college. In my elected
role as president of my Youth Council, I chair meetings between young people and elected
members of the City Council.

I have good communication and listening skills, and can speak three languages i.e. Urdu,
Punjabi and English fluently and am learning basic Welsh. I am in the process of completing
the Duke of Edinburgh's gold award, I have achieved a qualification in order to become a
youth worker and have also completed an ILEX Paralegal course. This has allowed me to develop
interpersonal skills and has given me the ability to communicate with people effectively.

In my spare time I like to keep up to date with current affairs and legal issues. I also
enjoy oriental cooking and Formula One racing. I enjoy working with young people and going
out to the cinema and theatre, as well as listening to music (R&B, Bhangra).

My life experiences have taught me to be committed and to work hard to achieve my goals both
personally and professionally. I believe I have a dynamic personal and am able to challenge
myself in whatever I undertake. I have a personality interest in Human Rights and I wish to
learn more about Law and develop my skills to further my understanding in legal issues. I
wish to obtain a Law degree to accomplish my ambition of working for the United Nations and
believe that I would gain immeasurably from the experience.

Would you wanna interview me
Posted 13 Dec 2006

u have to be quite seriouse for writing out your personal statement for UCAS, it must be either soemthing which can influence them..or either useful!
Posted 13 Dec 2006

Asian says
yeah i know but i feel like punching my tutors face in

lecturer: what u wanna do?

Asian: Law degree

lecturer: what kind of law degree

Asian: Standard Law degree LLB hons

Lecturer: what u wanna do after your law degree

Asian: well d'uh

Lecturer: you have to be afluent to do law

Asian: i like to throw spit balls at people in class,
       whats your point? lol

Lecturer: i dont think law is suited for you

*Law lecturer steps in*

FI (a.k.a. me) is very vocal and has a good legal background without having to refer to textbooks, she can also communicate idea's very effectivly (his way of saying i have a big Gob ) she got an B for her A level so i dont see the problem

Asian: BO YA

and so on

she an't supporting me and everytime i take my personal statment she tells me to change it again and again even with her corrections   
Posted 13 Dec 2006


yea this is whats i ment, do what she asks you to do,
tuturs often tell students to get their statemet redone 10 times, lol! it is ennoying! but it'll help you to get you a place in all unis! unis do often check out your personal statements...trust me!

mine UCAS was done a month before we left college
its just that you have to take everything very patently
Posted 13 Dec 2006

Asian says
feel like going into the UCAS offices and poking pencils up everyones noses

make them feel my pain
Posted 13 Dec 2006

I actually read that all....
Posted 13 Dec 2006

But from the title I can understand what is it all about.
Well getting an admission through UCAS is easy as hell.
I got admitted in Thames Valley University, London campus. and some other universities.
But then I cancelled them because of some personal reasons.

I get their UCAS Directories of every year....

Grab a 2006-2007 UCAS Entry Directory.
And you're all set.

Posted 13 Dec 2006

Asian says
MysteriousRomeo said:

But from the title I can understand what is it all about.
Well getting an admission through UCAS is easy as hell.
I got admitted in Thames Valley University, London campus. and some other universities.
But then I cancelled them because of some personal reasons.

I get their UCAS Directories of every year....

Grab a 2006-2007 UCAS Entry Directory.
And you're all set.

a directory cannot tell you what area of Law is your degree speck to,

i called in a fav at my college LC, got to use their phone. called up the univeristy and stright talk,

its all England and scottland based, not wales
Posted 14 Dec 2006

Well but it gives you more than enough info and then talk to them.
Make an appointment with the student counselors you know.
Any way I dont know how things run around in UK.

And good luck :)
Posted 14 Dec 2006

Asian says
student counselors? lol

my student conselor is a Revrand, taught me Philosophy and islamic business ethics

plays in a rock band and drives a harley

Posted 14 Dec 2006

UCAS ain't a big thing !!!

you just need to make sure everything is filled accurately in its appropriate boxes

no need to worry about!
Posted 14 Dec 2006

Asian says
u really need to meet my tutor she is not happy unless she is having a crisis,

she walked into the class, and i was messing about with my friends phone

he's got the Game's song One love

she walks in and we all burst out laughing, she sits down and says, turn that MnM off

Posted 15 Dec 2006

awww my gosh !!!!

she sounds either so stressed up or too thrilled for something

dun worry darl, u aint gona stick up with her any longer
Posted 15 Dec 2006

SohniKuddi says
haha not bad.......ahhh, applying to uni, i remember when i was young...and i applied to university, i've still got my personal statement,and if i were an admissions tutor, i'd probably not even consider giving me an unconditional offer. I was called in for an interview, and was given some cases that i had to discuss the legal priciples involved, i chose the postal rule in contract, and oh yea...manslaughter, i have a fetish for syuff like that. and now...im well on my way, uni years are the best years of your life, for the first year i chilled, i went to all the restaurants, i attended all the parties, i skipped my seminars..lol now i'm paying for it.
Posted 16 Dec 2006

Asian says

see u have to see it from my point of view

my mom and dad are with ALLAH , and i know for a fact they wanted me to go university

my aunties on the other hand have other ideas

they dont want me to go University, i have told them straight what i want and they know they can't stop me,

i live in the roughest area of my city,
and i am working class
i have my bro to support me through uni
gona stay at home so i can support my family

screw the partyig
and the making friends

i go in, i study, i get out

at the end of the day, Law degree students are spoilt brats, i went into a lecture and sat with a friend, we both got asked what golf club be belonged to, same with the business students

i just walked off laughing lol
Posted 16 Dec 2006

Yeah then you need to find a proper student counselor, not somenext amatures...
Posted 18 Dec 2006

Asian says
Sohni and london

what did you guys do for degrees?
Posted 19 Dec 2006

SohniKuddi says
Just like u dalin...i'm a legal eagle, in my second year of LLB Hons in Law, at the top of my game right now...

Hmmm, you have it tough, you're strong so keep it up, i really don't have much suport from siblings, my bro is 10, i'm the first of my siblings to reach uni, i have to support my parents (they need me) i work part time so i can afford my car and pay my debt, woahhh do i live at the rough end...u heard of the riots???well thats where i come from, but we gotta hang on, keep it strong girl.

Well we're all different, for me i can't do anything if there aint fun, i like to enjoy myself, you've heard it........all work and no play make me mad, but instead of work then play...for me its play and then play some more...can't say i'm spoilt either...i'm pretty laid back, i take every day as it comes, sure i set myself high targets, can't do nothing if theres no challenge...lol golf??? rather pompous hahaha. And believe me, uni isn't all about work work work....if done properly uni can be chilled....Enjoy yourself
Posted 19 Dec 2006

Asian says
Sohni sis thankoo

finally someone understands me

o and aunties new ploy to stop me from going to university

they have an amercian desi stay with them

apparantly he has "own business" and "own house"


i need a holiday hmmmmm Pouland
Posted 19 Dec 2006

Asian said:

Sohni and london

what did you guys do for degrees?

well, I did "A.S, B.S (hons)" and "M.S (hons)" in Business Administration..completed my studies in the first month fo this yr, so now im so much relaxed!, doing the same level of job in the same field...i also applied through UCAS..so i understand how u going through with this thingy..lol!

good luck to you anyways
Posted 19 Dec 2006

Asian says
cool sis and thankoo
Posted 19 Dec 2006

valandrian says
Posted 19 Apr 2018

Posted 22 Sep 2018

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