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Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
You are but a memory to my dear heart

that dwindles as each day passes me by.

My heart yearns for you, but you're not there,

only your memory is, and that hurts even more.

The tears are all too real and they follow the pain

my heart feels when it misses you so.

Memory upon memory floods the gates

and soon I begin to drown in them.

Each better than the last but all so sweet and real.

The memory is real but its fading too fast

its uncontrolable, and its evaporating

like dew drops in the sun.

I try to gather them up quickly, place them in a jar, but

the time is quicker than I, and it speeds up the sun's steal.

O I wish you could be here and not just your memory

because you are by far better than the thought of the past.

As each sunset brings forth a new day,

I think about the memory, and the pain it brings

is too immense but the tears are even bigger.

You are but a memory that is quickly fading

and only you can fix that my dear.

Though my heart hurts so much from the pain

only you can save me.

Like each sunset brings forth a new time,

this sunset will bring you to me.

And love back into the mourning heart
Posted 19 Dec 2006

~tasha~ says
Travelling down the memory lane
is not all black 'n white.
Travelling down the memory lane
is not all lacking light.

Travelling down the memory lane
is not eye filled with tears.
Travelling down the memory lane
brings fresh and soothing air.

Travelling down the memory lane
is college, fun and friend.
Travelling down the memory lane
is full of curves and bends.

Travelling down the memory lane
is a test of time and mind
Travelling down the memory lane
is a joy of it's kind.
Posted 19 Dec 2006

~tasha~ says
Its only me
An echo
A whisper
A heartbeat
A memory in your past
Inside your mind ill linger forever
Waiting there for years to come
All those long years
Just waiting
I may be gone from you in waking life
But my soul will haunt you forever
Its my memory as well
And your soul will haunt me to
Secret memories and thoughts
Hidden in secret places
Ill be here forever
Just waiting
Like a rose
That crumbles in death
But is remembered forever
As my love for you
Now my love is nothing
An echo
A whisper
A heartbeat
A memory in your past
Its only me
Posted 19 Dec 2006

~tasha~ says
Reach into memory,
remember unions,
unspoiled, unbroken...
dry those cleansing crystals,
Let Love Flow Again...

Say it three times softly,
in a whisper, in a whisper
Shout it once...just for luck,
then move on.

Cross yourself my dear,
it will get better and you
know it.
It will never be the same,
when all that pain is gone.

Reach into memory, touch the circle...
feel it pulsing, light a candle,
watch it flicker
dancing shadows know your name.

Reach into memory,
touch the center,
hold it gently,
let the oil warm a little,
You are annointed,
Let it pour!
Posted 19 Dec 2006

cool cllection
Posted 19 Dec 2006

~tasha~ says
Posted 19 Dec 2006

~tasha~ says
Posted 21 Dec 2006

~tasha~ says
Haunt me,
Dimensions of dreams,
Swirl by,
Colours of sorrow,
Merge the past,
Into my today,
Play with my mind,
Steal away my tomorrow.
Desert me,
Images of what might have been,
Relinquish your hold,
On my heart's shattered being
Taunt me ,
Memories of yesteryear,
Take away ,
My corroded soul,
Within the drop of a single tear.
Posted 21 Dec 2006

~tasha~ says
I find an old photograph
and see your smile.
As I feel your presence anew,
I am filled with warmth
and my heart remembers love.

I read an old card
sent many years ago
during a time of turmoil and confusion.
The soothing words written then
still caress my spirit
and bring me peace.

I remember who you used to be
the laughter we shared
and wonder what you have become.
Where are you now,
Where did you go,
When the body is left behind
and the spirit is released to fly?

Perhaps you are the morning bird
singing joyfully at sunrise,
or the butterfly that dances
so carelessly on the breeze
or the rainbow of colors
that brightens a stormy sky
or the fingers of afternoon mist
delicately reaching over the mountains
or the final few rays of the setting sun
lighting up the skies
edging the clouds with a magical glow.

I miss your being
but I feel your presence,
In whatever form you choose to take,
however you now choose to be.

Your spirit has become for me
a guardian angel on high
guiding, advising, and watching over me.

I remember you.
You are with me
and I am not afraid.

Posted 15 Feb 2007

~tasha~ says
In my own remembering,
I can see so many things.
Days of bliss were much too brief.
Longer nights of pain and grief.
In my own remembering,
all my sins forgive.

Memory, can never be,
mere fact or history.
Memory, is more complex;
of mute agenda and subtext.
Memory, will flow and ebb,
according to one's mental web.
Memory, a visceral mix,
of deja vu and subtle tricks.

In my own remembering,
thwarted dreams will all take wing.
Flights of fancy, foolish lies,
float in ether's cloudless skies.
In my own imagining,
I begin to live.

Memory, the neurone taps,
the fiery spark at the arch synapse.
Memory, the self entraps,
the slant or view in happy snaps.
Memory, applauds and claps,
our weary march to last collapse.
Memory, marks time elapsed,
a heartbeat drawn on virtual maps.

In my own remembering,
just a cog or underling,
was never made for real fame.
Cared not a fig to play the game.
In my own dissembling,
all my sins forgive.

Memory, is mercury,
a silver flash of the quick adept.
Memory, is emory,
it smoothes a path, and slicks the step.
Memory, can gather wool,
unless it's used, trained or schooled.
Memory, the survivor's tool.
Memory, is lost to fools.

In my own remembering,
unhappy themes remove thy sting.
Regret may prove the heart impure.
The loss of love must be endured.
In my own remembering,
all my sins forgive.

Memory, will often be,
a twisted tale of mystery.
Memory, can be repressed,
or triggered by an idle jest.
Memory, so sure to vex,
unstring the mind, the bow and flex.
Memory, and core defects,
become combined in blind reflex.
Memory, is never proof,
to hold aloft or keep aloof.
Memory, is claw and tooth,
an ancient art and modern truth.

In my own remembering,
the myth of self's - a holy being.
Righteous faith is never wrong.
No doubt infects my public song.
In my own remembering,
I begin to live.

Posted 15 Feb 2007

~tasha~ says
So many times we do not see,
that all of life is a memory:
Of days gone past both bad and good,
and so we dream, as dream we should:
But one should always keep in mind,
that a memory is a day behind:
Live for today with its joy and sorrow,
for today is the memory we dream of tomorrow.

As long as there are more who give than who take,
As long as there are more to forgive that to forsake,
As long as there are more who love than who hate,
Then mankind can not help but survive.

Posted 15 Feb 2007

~tasha~ says
The thought of you,
Once kept me alive.
Holding you...
Remembering your smile...

It was a beautiful world…

Silence that surrounds me,
Now was broken with tears!
Makes my life impossible,
To live without those fears...

It was a beautiful world…

Madness enraged with anger!
I’m losing my words!
Dreams they’ve flown,
They never seem to land...
Making the throne before me empty,
Erasing my present…and past...

It was a beautiful world…

I try to run away,
But I’m drawn to your memory!
I stumbled, I lost my way!
I cried but no one hears me!
Alone in your memory…
Shivering, cold, hopeless…
I stand Alone…
Within my darkness…
Within your memory…
Within Your echoing words…
Within what used to be our beautiful world…
Posted 15 Feb 2007


Posted 15 Feb 2007

~tasha~ says

too many memories in ur life
Posted 15 Feb 2007

Everybody has so many memories in life...
and elders have much... due to age n experiences...

May Allah give good moments to everyone to have good memories.... Ameeen

Posted 15 Feb 2007

~tasha~ says
Rehan M Din said:

Everybody has so many memories in life...
and elders have much... due to age n experiences...

May Allah give good moments to everyone to have good memories.... Ameeen

but i don't have one
Posted 15 Feb 2007

~tasha~ says
KING OF JB said:

Posted 15 Feb 2007

Fairl_Girl says
Posted 16 Feb 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 16 Feb 2007

~tasha~ says
KING OF JB said:

wht hoing

Posted 21 Feb 2007

~tasha~ says
KING OF JB said:

~tasha~ said:

KING OF JB said:

wht hoing

means wht happning here

Posted 21 Feb 2007

kOoLeSt1 says
Posted 21 Feb 2007

~tasha~ says
thx dark
Posted 22 Feb 2007

~tasha~ says
Memories Forgotten

Inside this box
Lies my rhyme
And all that rocks
Inside it is so sublime

Bits of excitement
From my past
Possible indictment
Cannot last

Wisp of tenderness
Thoughts of reality
Touches of blissfulness
Shards of my vitality

Smiles left to recall
Bits of life not lived
Every thing that is small
Life that is not contrived

Feather from the bird that flew
Smooth rock from the lonely creek
Wondering what will see me through
Wonders of my life unique
Posted 03 May 2007

Posted 03 May 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 04 May 2007

Posted 07 May 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 07 May 2007

Posted 08 May 2007

~tasha~ says
Perpetual Memories

As I lay here alone staring at the cold grey roof
I wish you were here but I know it's no use,
memories of us in happier times,
thoughts of us cloud my mind.

I ask myself, are these memories all I will have left
sometimes I just don't know what to do,
nothing brings me such pain,
nothings quite the same as…
a day without you.

we walk along the beach,
rolling beneath a magic blue sky
it's time again for you to say goodbye
time again to see the fear in my eyes

after you're gone my happiness subsides
I give up all resistance
I feel frozen inside
at times like this I don't know what to do
nothing brings such hurt inside
nothing else can make me cry like…
a day without you

I call you a hundred times a day,
I want you to know I'm never far away
as we stand alone together
in the golden light of the dying day
I know exactly what to do
nothing makes me so happy
nothing is as perfect as…
a day spent with you

Posted 24 May 2007

kOoLeSt1 says
Posted 24 May 2007

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