
Age: 125
Total Posts: 2
Points: 0
Netherlands, Netherlands
Hello everyone,
I live in Holland and am 19 years old, litle taller then 2 meters, weigh about 75 Kilo's. I am vegetarian and turning to veganism. I would call myself christian but considdering the negative undertone it has because of pseudo-christianity (in my opinion) i don't know what to call my own belief system. I belief in the words of the Jewish prophets and Jesus (and not those of his apostles) and am investigating Islam right now.
I will not get any more religious before i ask this question. What does rule 3 mean: No post should include Religious hatred/ topics? That i should not incite hate toward religious topics or not post about religion at all?
I hope not to get too religious but it is needed to explain myself. Jesus said: A; Love god with all you have, B; love your fellow human being as yourself. These 2 points are important to me. I refuse to use any kind of weapons and would rather give me life for someone else then to take or to let a human life be taken for me.
In my mind love is most important above everything because God is love and love keeps us sticking with God.
I feel desillusioned by the western "civilized" culture i live in am growing a desire to move to a more primitive society without grocery stores or supermarkets. The foremost society that came to mind are the Hunza's that live in your beautifull pakistani country, so thats how i ended up here. I am trying to contact them so i could somehow find out what they think about my plans and intentions. So far i have no luck trying to contact them which seems logical because from what i know they are quite isolated. I was hoping for help from you good Pakistani people and for some understanding.
hello from dutch spiceant

Age: 58
7910 days old here
Total Posts: 2772
Points: 0
Oklahoma City, United States
Hey spiceant, welcome to JB forum.
am not a mod or admin but in my humble understanding of that rule is to be respectful of all religions. any lingo that reflects hatred toward any religion would not be tolerated.
For your desire to move to a primitive society, I can only wish you the best of luck cuz I don't know anything about hunza.

Age: 125
7524 days old here
Total Posts: 6323
Points: 0
Faroe Islands, Faroe Islands
hey spiceant,,iam sure this aint your name..well anyways,,,if u want to learn more about islam,,i suggest you not to go hunza,,,as per my knowledge they hardly know anything about islam,,even you can ask here what u want to know about islam,,we'll all try to help you out with proper answers and logics,,
,,let me try to give u a clue,,jesus was also a muslim,,he taught what God almighty wanted him to,,like moses like jesus, MOhammed peace be upon them all, is also the messenger of ALLAh,,,so one should Follow Prophet Mohammed Pbuh in order to get salvation,,
prophet moses prophet jesus pb upon them both were prophets for thier own ppl but ALLAh has made Mohammed pbuh
prophet for the whole human kind till the judgement day,,
so once again i appreciate your urge to know about ISlam,,the right path,,,ask anything dude,,and ill try to provide
Frankenstein (this aint my name ,,u can be sure too)

Age: 124
7812 days old here
Total Posts: 10168
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
A very Warm Welcome to you spiceant....
Please do post your questions in Religion Forum and we will be more than glad to reply you with proven references.
Study the website and you can contact them as well for further information.
Regarding the HUNZA. I'll request not to contact. After your basic studies about Islam. You will be able to understand why we requested you not to contact.
Cheers and Welcome on the Path of Light

Age: 125
6632 days old here
Total Posts: 2
Points: 0
Netherlands, Netherlands
After my basic studies i don't really understand why not to contact Hunzas. I can understand why not to move to Pakistan citys or other muslim citys, Mekka or Medina because from my impression my surroundings will not be very tolerant of my white presence.
to clear one thing up, i learn about Islam because of hunzas because i want to know their religion and how they aply Islam. I don't contact Hunza to learn about Islam. I contact Hunza because i hate my own society and other societys with supermarkets/cars/politicians like in west-EU & USA.

Age: 124
7812 days old here
Total Posts: 10168
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
spiceant said: After my basic studies i don't really understand why not to contact Hunzas. I can understand why not to move to Pakistan citys or other muslim citys, Mekka or Medina because from my impression my surroundings will not be very tolerant of my white presence.
to clear one thing up, i learn about Islam because of hunzas because i want to know their religion and how they aply Islam. I don't contact Hunza to learn about Islam. I contact Hunza because i hate my own society and other societys with supermarkets/cars/politicians like in west-EU & USA.
Hello Spiceant,
I dont agree that you could face any problem with the white presence. Regarding Moving to Makkah or Madinah in Saudi Arabia, You can go there but in the main city area only. Bcoz Only Muslims are allowed to enter that area where holy mosques are located.
Secondly, If you are serious to move, Search on the net for UMM UL QURA University in Saudi Arabia, This is located near Makkah and you can get lot Islamic Information and Courses about Islamic studies.
Regarding Pakistan, I dont think there is any problem as well. You can move to Islamabad (The Capital City) and can contact the University (I forgot the name) adjacent to FAISAL MOSQUE. This is under management of Saudi Arabia.
Regarding Hunza, Their is a Tribe type community of people whom live there. They act lik emuslims but there religious activities are against the basics of Islam. (Details Later)
I hope you got few more clear aspects...
New Beau